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Month: June 2024

Who’s To Blame?

Who’s To Blame?

A person’s own folly leads to their ruin, yet their heart rages against the Lord. Proverbs 19:3 (NIV) I’ve been wrestling with a bad habit. I’m getting much better, but it still surfaces from time to time. Perhaps you can relate. When I’m alone, frustrated, and something goes wrong, I express my frustration with angry retorts. For example, if I’m late for an elder meeting at the church and I’ve carelessly misplaced my keys, I’ll complain out loud, “COME ON…!!” Or,…

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The other day, the windshield wiper fluid indicator on my Toyota RAV4 lit up. The reservoir was nearly empty. Now, I may not know a whole lot about cars, and I might not wash and vacuum mine as often as I should. But one thing I’m particular about is fluid levels. Maybe it’s because my RAV is approaching the end of its useful life and burns oil like a wildfire, but I am especially attentive to my fluid levels. So,…

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A Soft Answer

A Soft Answer

I got cussed out last week.  I know! I still can’t believe it. Here’s what happened. It’s a bit of a story, so hang with me. *********** Last Wednesday I was driving back to the church after going out for coffee with Dan Wallace.  It was Dan’s birthday and I had just dropped him off at his house after a large, iced caramel macchiato from Dunkin’ and a walk in a local park. I’ve been to Dan’s house several times…

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A Second Chance

A Second Chance

One of the things I seriously enjoy in pastoral ministry is hospital visitation.  I know that’s weird. Most people do all they can to avoid hospitals and I get that.  But I’ve found that many conversations of eternal significance occur when you’re sitting next to someone in the hospital. In 30 years of ministry, I’ve never had anyone refuse prayer while in the hospital.  I suppose some hard-core atheists might do so, but generally I’ve found that even people who…

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