Close to the Father
In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Psalm 71:1 & 3
This past Monday morning the boys of our family were out in-force preparing the back yard for our annual Labor Day cookout. We were hosting 16 people later that day, so there was plenty to do. We finished repainting the screened in porch, prepared the grill, washed and reset the patio furniture, hosed off the patio, watered the plants, mowed the lawn, cleaned up some debris that had accumulated over the summer, straightened up the toys, prepared the fire pit… we even planted a new weeping cherry tree. It was quite the project. It felt good, though, not just preparing for our guests, but working as a team to spruce up the house and yard.
Of course, work must ALWAYS be combined with fun at our house- especially when dad is involved. So while we worked we had a little water game going. A garden hose set to “jet” and a “sploosh” ball (a sponge ball that retains huge quantities of water and can be thrown) were our battle implements. As we worked along, skirmishes would periodically erupt in various corners of the yard with lots of water, shouting and laughter.
It quickly became obvious that Justin (age 6 1/2) was at a distinct disadvantage. Josh (age 13) has a pretty good throwing arm and I’m pretty accurate with the hose which was leaving Justin defenseless and very, very wet. We had to modify the game a bit. It was determined that I (dad) would be base. Wherever and whenever a battle broke out, Justin would be off limits and protected IF he was touching me.
The problem was, we were all constantly on the move. One minute I was scrubbing patio furniture, the next minute putting toys in the shed. As soon as the sploosh balls began flying or the hose started to spray, Justin would call out “DAD WHERE ARE YOU!” and bolt in my direction. He could then receive shelter and relief or we could both team up against Josh. Sometimes he found himself a little too far away and got hosed down. For me, it became a neat little object lesson of what the Father provides for us- both relief and defense at a moments notice.
There are literally hundreds of scriptures that remind us that God is our shelter. Words like “rock, shelter, deliverer, shield, strength, high tower and defense” are just a few of the attributes ascribed to our God. When you need Him, He’s there. Run to Him and find the comfort and stability that comes from the one who never changes.
On another level, though, God is always on the move. He has a kingdom program and it is “forcefully advancing” (Matthew 11:12). We are invited to participate and that doesn’t mean stand still. We may very well find that we are not keeping pace with what God is up to in our lives or the lives of those around us. Often God is on the move and we are the ones who are stuck. Trouble comes, and we feel alone and defenseless.
In the many battles and skirmishes that rage around you, may you find purpose and protection close by the side of the Father.