Being on the Way
And [the servant] bowed down his head and worshipped the LORD and said, “Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His mercy and His truth toward my master. As for me, being on the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master’s brethren.” Genesis 24:26-27 (NKJV)

Abraham’s servant had an almost impossible task- find a suitable and pleasing bride for his master’s only son, heir to the family fortune and one of the founders of the nation of Israel. Even in a culture of arranged marriages and bridal dowries this was pretty intimidating stuff. What if she was unattractive, infertile, incompatible, unwilling or ungodly? The stakes were incredibly high. What was Abraham thinking anyway? Isaac was pushing 40 years old, you would have thought they would have thought this through and come up with a better plan.
It’s a beautiful story. If you’ve never read it, you can find it in Genesis 24. Spoiler alert… God DID provide for Isaac a bride, Rebekah- who was beautiful, compatible, and godly; a wonderful match. God proved His faithfulness to both Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah and the servant who was given the impossible task. In the middle of the story, after fervently praying, the servant gave this testimony: “As for me, being on the way, the LORD led me.”
Have you ever experienced God’s moment by moment leading while you were “on your way?” For the believer in Jesus, this can be standard operating procedure. When you face an impossible task and you stop to pray, strap in! You never know what God will do. Sometimes the outcome is simply amazing.
My wife had a “being led on the way” moment this week. For the last several years, she has organized the annual teacher’s appreciation luncheon for Sudley Elementary school where Justin and Katelyn go to school. It is a catered event for 60+ people and a pretty big deal. This year, it kind of snuck up on her and a volunteer who had helped her in the past was suddenly called away to an out of state funeral. Another PTA volunteer who was supposed to pick up all of the food at Panda Express bailed at the very last minute because she was stuck in court. Pam was left completely alone with no one to help her with decorating, setting the tables or pick up the food for an event that was to start in 1 hour 10 minutes.
Breathe, pray; breathe pray; fight down the panic; breathe and pray…
As Pam started to unload supplies at the entrance of the school she “happened” upon another mom named Lisa* who was entering the building at the same time. Lisa generously helped Pam unload the supplies and then offered to stay and help set up the room. Forty-five minutes later when Pam got the panicked call from the volunteer saying she would be unable to pick up the food, she offered to go along to help. As they trotted out to our minivan, Lisa noticed our Grace Life Community Church magnet.
“You go to Grace Life Community Church?” She asked.
“Yes, we do.” Pam replied.
“You like it?”
“We do, my husband is on staff there.”
“I just signed up my kids to attend VBS there!”
A wonderful conversation emerged. Lisa grew up Catholic, but hasn’t attended church since high school. They tried the Lutheran church a few times but it just didn’t seem to fit. Even though she lives in Manassas, she had heard through a friend of a friend about GLCC’s vacation bible school. It was a warm, delightful time of sharing with a new-found friend.
When Pam got home she recounted the story to me and mused:
“If my friend hadn’t been in Ohio for a funeral… I would have never met Lisa… If the other PTA lady hadn’t got stuck in court… We would have never walked to my car and I would have never found out her kids are coming to our VBS. God was obviously up to something. It makes me think of the Old Testament verse, As for me, being on the way, the Lord led me.”
When you hit an impossible task; stop, pray, and then watch for the Lord’s leading. It may be that God’s kingdom purpose is about to break through.
*Lisa is not her real name.