Being Teachable
“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.”
Proverbs 12:1

Gotta love those proverbs. They don’t mince words. You hate correction and you’re stupid.
Well, meet stupid!
As I was reading this proverb this morning, the Spirit of God brought to my mind three specific incidents this week in which faithful friends lovingly confronted me with a fault, failing or weakness. Three! And it’s only Wednesday!
Now, I don’t think these friends will even remember it (and yes, one is my wife). They were small conversations, spoken in love; sidebars really to their week. Little moments of authenticity, a moment of truth. But, what they said spoke to me in a much bigger way than they could ever know or have intended. For you see, God was using them to reveal to me something about myself.
In the moment, I responded graciously, or at least appeared to. But, inside I was kind of ticked. I was not yet willing to truly hear what they said. My mind quickly generated comebacks “Cheap shot. Unfair. Not true!” and then rationalizations, “I never intended that… I was in a hurry, I’ve been under a lot of stress!” But, when all of that subsided and I had a moment to reflect, the only thing I could do was admit that they were right. I needed to be corrected.
In some areas of my life I have no problem being teachable, because frankly, I don’t have a clue. Got some advice on staying organized? Want to help me with technology? Or give me some fashion advice? I’m all ears, ‘cause I got nothing and I know it. But, in some other areas, I think I’m strong. I’m doing just fine, thank you very much and you can keep your criticism or comments to yourself.
God help me. A cold splash of reality is uncomfortable, but in the end, very much appreciated. I have no desire to be a fool. Here’s a prayer for our week:
“Lord, help me to be teachable, open my eyes to my blind spots and thank you for your Holy Spirit and faithful friends who speak truth to me.”