Catch Me, Daddy! (by Pam)
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. Psalm 20:7
With father’s day approaching, I was reflecting on the importance of dads to our families and recalled this story from 10 years ago.

When Amanda was three her favorite way of greeting Steve when he came home from work was to yell, “Catch me Daddy!” and then fling herself from the top of six steps into his arms. Since he was anticipating this, he had just enough time to put down his briefcase and get his arms ready before she jumped. Soon she upped the ante by taking a running start from the dining room, through the kitchen to the edge of the landing where she would flinging herself into the air when she reached the stairs. It was breathtaking to watch this fearless little human catapult. I’m not sure who loved the game more…Steve or Amanda.
One day as I was coming up the stairs carrying a basket of wash I heard her call, “Catch me Mommy!” In a panic I dropped the laundry basket and caught her just in time. As her compact little body collided with mine I stumbled and let out a loud, “oof!
After I had recovered, I sat her down for a little chat. I explained to her that while Daddy was big and strong and could easily catch her, Mommy was littler and wasn’t’t able to do so. I also told her that for her safety she must always give adequate warning before jumping.
“That conversation went well.” I remember thinking as I took the wash down the hall towards the bedrooms. A few minutes later as I was putting away the clothes, I heard Amanda’s little voice call to Joshua (then 6 years old) from the living room, “Catch me, Joshua!”
I went running and yelling and stopped her just in time from an action that would have resulted in many tears and probably a hospital visit for both of them.
In connect group recently our group fell into a discussion about how children trust so completely while we as adults sometimes struggle with whole hearted trust. As I pondered the various comments, I realized that all of us, adults included, trust in something. However, often the things we trust in are not truly reliable or trustworthy. As a result, we end up in tears or getting seriously hurt.
Even when the economy is going well, our bank accounts and jobs cannot provide permanent security. Even in the best of relationships, our spouse and friends cannot give us all the strength and support we need. Sometimes we even think we can trust in ourselves, though we know deep down that we are frail and don’t have the resources to keep ourselves from falling.
Today, turn to the Rock of your salvation, your Heavenly Father and with complete abandonment throw your life into His arms, and yell, “Catch me Daddy!” He never misses and it is His greatest joy to welcome you home.