Choose Life

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14
Last week, American high society was rocked by the death of fashion icon Kate Spade and celebrity chef, TV star and author Anthony Bourdain. I wasn’t familiar with Ms. Spade, but I love to watch reruns of the travel and food shows, No Reservations and Part’s Unknown on Netflix.
It’s perplexing. Both individuals seemed to have everything this world could offer- fame, riches, power, influence. Both were at the top of their respective fields, in the prime of life, and in good health. And both took their own lives in tragic circumstances. I do not mean to exploit their situation and I offer my deepest condolences to their family and loved one. But it did get me to thinking about what in this life truly satisfies.If we were to ask the average high school or college student in this world what their life goals are, what they are pursuing or what would make them happy, I think the answers would probably be remarkably similar. I would expect that contained in their answer would be to have a fulfilling job (being at the top of their field wouldn’t hurt), financial security (making their first million by age 30 wouldn’t hurt) and significance among family and friends (A beautiful spouse and the admiration of all, if you please!). In fact, if you asked the average adult, they would probably say the same thing.
So, what do we say when we see people who have all of that in abundance; far more than we could ever even imagine; success in every possible human endeavor and yet they still reach the point of self-harm? Perhaps there were factors of mental illness or clinical depression. Many people battle these scourges and need our support and prayer.
But let me suggest another possibility. Perhaps some people who pursue wealth, fame, security and all of the comforts and benefits that these things provides… once they actually achieve them, find that it really doesn’t satisfy. There is a tragic song in the recent film, The Greatest Showman, where one of the main characters, who is the most famous and wealthy vocalist of her generation, sings,
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it’ll
Never be enough
Never be enough
Follower of Jesus… what are you pursuing in your life? What are you selling your soul for? What do you believe will ultimately give you satisfaction, peace and happiness? And what a tragedy if, after spending a lifetime of pursuit, you find that you chased the wrong thing.
Jesus and his kingdom are the only thing that satisfies. Come to Him.