Conversations in My Head
Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. I will praise the LORD all my life. I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:1-2

The alarm goes off this morning louder than usual, the cheery drone of Mike Moss and WTOP cuts into my head like a buzz saw. What is wrong with that man? He must take happy pills to be so cheerful at this hour. Uuhh… stayed up too late again last night. I’m an idiot.
Thank you Jesus for a warm house, a good, albeit too short night of sleep and all the great friends I’ve been connecting with over Facebook and email. I am so blessed.
I stay in bed a little too long and am getting way backed up. Quick shower, no breakfast; have to be a yogurt on the run… Backed up on your Bible reading already, are you? Congratulations, Steve, you almost made it to January 5th without dropping behind….
Lord, I remember the video on Sunday of little children carrying stagnate water several miles just to get a drink. I praise you for the hot shower, abundant fresh water, and more importantly, the Living Water that sustains my soul.
Outside now. It is SO cold. Start the van… Ping, ping, rattle, rattle… sounds like I’m down a quart of oil again. This thing has to last another 80,000 miles. Why didn’t I buy a Honda? Is everything I own falling apart?
I praise you for more than abundant possessions and the freedom and prosperity that this nation allows. Has there ever been a more blessed people on the earth?
Late as usual. Hurrying to load stuff into the van. Wow, my back is REALLY tight and what is wrong with my knee? It’s killing me! Nobody told me that 42 would be this tough. What will I be like in 10 years or 20?
I praise you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and upheld by God’s strong right hand.
Where is the sun this morning? Wasn’t the shortest day of the year December 21? There ought to be a glimmer of light somewhere. What kind of insane society gets up before light and gets home after dark? This is no way to live.
Thank you for eyes to see and a job to go to.
Drop Josh off at Stonewall High School and get caught in the crush of traffic, again. Katelyn is in first grade. I’ll be shuttling kids to school activities for the next 11 years. There’s no way… I just don’t have it in me.
I have what it takes to raise a godly family. What great kids we have. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I get to the church. It’s still dark. First one here. The building looks lifeless, cold and lonely. Way too much to do today. I wonder what its like to work in “the glass enclosed nerve center”? Probably pretty cool. Move over Mike Moss.
What a great community of friends I have here. I get to serve, encourage and teach. God is forming GLCC into the best church ever and I get to be a part of it.
Start the coffee, turn on the computer. Time to write the midweek update. Connect with God… “Write it on praise” he says.
“Today?” I protest.
“Why not? Haven’t I been faithful?” inquired The One Who Sustains My World.
Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Don’t wait for a good day to praise the LORD, make it every day. Gratitude and praise rise up in us because God is always faithful; not because circumstances are always pleasant or we feel good. This week, calibrate your life towards praise.