Dear Graduate…

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Dear Graduate,
Wow, it seems like just yesterday when you were starting school. Do you remember? You were so nervous and yet excited; filled with enthusiasm, but also uncertainty. It all seemed so new and fresh – a grand adventure just waiting to unfold. We were so proud of you. In a quiet moment, you told us that you didn’t know if you “had what it takes”… I think that is what you said. And yet, here we are, all of those years later at your graduation, and you not only made it, but you made it in style!
As you know, commencement means “a beginning” or “a start.” And after this commencement ceremony, things will change. You will experience new challenges, new responsibilities, new opportunities and new temptations. Your character will be tested in ways you can’t even imagine, as if the world is trying to figure out what you are made of, or if you have a solid foundation. You will make mistakes and maybe even lose your way from time to time, but as a believer in Jesus, let me remind you that you have an Unlimited Resource, a “True North,” a Solid Foundation and an Intimate Ally.
Remember when you were little, we told you that we would always be there for you – that we were in your corner, that we would never let anything happen to you, and that there was nothing that we couldn’t do together? Well, by now you’ve figured out the limitations of that. There are tons of things we can’t protect you from, lots of times we can’t be present and plenty of things we just don’t know.
So, it’s time for the BIG HANDOFF.
Graduate, we now commit you to the One who loves you far more than we ever could; who is way smarter than we could ever be, and more powerful than you will ever need. From here on out, it is the “LORD himself” who will go with you and before you. It is the “LORD himself” that will always be present. It is the “LORD himself” who will be your ever-present Guide and Friend.
So, don’t be afraid, and don’t be discouraged. With God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). If you will delight in the Lord and rest in his gracious plan, life may not be easy, but it will be good. Follow hard after Him, make Him your first priority, and trust in His promises. Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)We are so proud of you,
Your Bethany Family