Do Not Fear
Then Jesus and his disciples got into a boat. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake and his disciples said, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”
Matthew 8:23-26

“What is the most frequented command of Jesus in the New Testament?”
And so began our time of morning prayer and devotion led by Pastor Bob at our annual Pastoral Planning Retreat. It was early on the first day, just after breakfast, and already written on the large Post-it easel pad were 15 topics for discussion and evaluation over the course of the next several days.
“Go?” No.
“Follow?” Nope.
“Obey?” Nada.
“Believe?” Nyet.
“Pray?” Zip.
The ideas were flowing fast and furious, and Bob was shooting them down with just a bit too much enthusiasm for that hour of the morning. Perhaps you already know the answer based on the Scripture above, but we had quite a bit of theological brain power sitting in that room and we all missed it.
As so often happens among the pastors, we quickly dissolved into slapstick and one-liners. “Stop texting while I’m talking?” “Tithe so we can pay off that mortgage?” “Stop whining?” “Volunteer for children’s ministry?” Eventually, even that died down and we sat in thoughtful silence.
“Give up? Are you ready for the answer?” asked Pastor Bob as he sipped his morning coffee.
“Do not fear.” It’s used 21 times.
We reflected on that for some time… how that Jesus’ closest friends, the very apostles of Christ, even while they walked with him on the earth, in the very presence of the all-powerful Son of God still needed to be reminded not to allow fear to paralyze and influence their attitudes, actions and decisions.
How much more we, two thousand years later need to be reminded of the presence and power of the indwelling Spirit of Christ!
Here on retreat, our Wi-Fi is very spotty and we are trying to limit our social media consumption and email, but every now and then I check on my email and Facebook feed which is primarily my extended family, connect group and church family. I am tracking with dozens of situations that represent areas of potential fear, anxiety, tentativeness or even paralysis- aging and ailing parents, children beginning school, switching schools or transitioning to middle school or high school, people scheduled for or recovering from major surgery, dear friends who grapple with an impending separation, divorce or passive and inattentive spouses. I have friends who are struggling with infertility and some stuck in the adoption process. On and on the newsfeed goes…
This week, it seems like life is hitting us full force and of course our enemy will take any and every opportunity to sow seeds of fear. Today, take a moment to hear Jesus’ tender voice- I am here with you in this situation, do not be afraid.