

This week on my never ending to-do list is arranging for our utility shutoff dates in preparation for our move from Virginia to Pennsylvania. Yesterday I contacted Verizon Fios and American Garbage Disposal… and today I’ve spoken with Catherine at Prince William County Water Authority, Irene at NOVEC, Tammy at Washington Gas and Connie at Prince William County Building Construction Inspection. And do you know what? Each one has been a fantastic customer service experience. Really! The representatives have been friendly, courteous, careful… and here’s a word I don’t get to use much… EXCELLENT.

Now, when I graduated from high school/college, my aspiration was not to be a customer service rep for a utility company and I gotta think that on the pecking order of desired occupations or satisfying careers, this can’t be near the top. But each person demonstrated courtesy and dignity in the way they handled an otherwise routine inquiry.

After my fourth great call in a row, I thought of Colossians 3:23-24, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. I don’t know if any of these representatives have a personal relationship with Jesus. (Well, I kind of think Catherine did, just by the way she talked…) But each of them was reflecting well, the image of God within them, that little spark that says, “little things matter” and “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” It was clear each one took pride in their work.

As Christians, we have an even higher motivation for excellence. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING can be an act of worship, love and service to the Lord.

All of us have environments in which our labors are unappreciated. Some of us have jobs that involve many small, repetitive and thankless tasks. Some serve in work places in which your labor is routinely overlooked or dismissed. And if you are a parent, most kids (and unfortunately, sometime spouses) are oblivious to the fact that bills get paid, hot food gets served daily, the house gets mysteriously cleaned and someone is picking up the tab for the data plan. I know, it’s frustrating and sometimes very lonely.

But I am so thankful that there’s a larger story. The truth is, we have a good, good Father in heaven who takes notice of every little task. He sees, he notices, he smiles, he rewards and then he says, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23)

In God’s kingdom, nothing is wasted and nothing goes unnoticed. So, what is that task that seems unnoticed or unfulfiling? Crank up the worship music, imagine your Savior’s smile and do it with excellence to the Lord.

Well done!

10 thoughts on “Excellent!

  1. Amen! Thank you for sharing your experiences! It’s a God-thing to be going through monumental changes and yet not have them as your focus. They are just the things happening right now. Your heart, turned to God’s grace and love for you and everyone you meet, grows closer to His heart. Your gratitude for the voice on the other end of the line who is turning off your service soon, is a part of the heart of God that I am feeling tonight. I’m so grateful for you and your family and this blog where you are honestly sharing your journey! I’m feeling a new gratitude for the people I have communicated with in some way today.
    God is so sweet to give us the power to change our focus! I need to change mine.

  2. I find that most customer service people are courteous and as helpful as they can be. The frustration comes because management either does not empower frontline people to solve problems, or management tries to shield themselves from unintended consequences or unpleasant situations due to poor management. So, the poor customer service people get caught in the middle. That is why I like to ask questions, when problems arise, and say something like this: “if management listens to a recordING of this call, I want you to know that the rep has been awesome, but you have created a problem that needs to be addressed. “ One time I actually got a call back from a Comcast official in the home office in Philadelphia.

    1. That’s so cool, Dr. Carlson. Since my stint working at Amazon, I’ve got a new eye for the service employee. I’m becoming more observant of those who work behind the scenes.

  3. Therfore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. Luke 12: 3

  4. Sometimes it is hard to be thankful & think about
    excellent work when you feel unappreciated. I clean restrooms & I do my best for the Lord with a good attitude inspite of it.

    1. Teresa, Great chatting with you this Sunday. I agree. Praying that you discover the joy of the Lord even in difficult circumstances.

  5. Loving people is supposed to be our specialty. Lord, help me to make You smile! Thanks for your thoughts!

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