Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.
1 Corinthians 4:2 (ESV)

“Steve, come over here, I want to talk with you.”
My boss pulled me off the line and we took a ‘little walk.’ And so started a talk I would never forget. It was the summer of 1981 and I was in eighth grade. All through middle school and high school, I worked at a small commercial greenhouse that sold wholesale flowers to a local supermarket chain. It was an ideal job for a kid- flexible hours, a wholesome environment and within biking distance from home. I started working there when I was 12. Chris Wall was the owner and that day he called me out.
“Someone once told me that ‘80% of life is just showing up.” he said. (It was only later that I discovered that this was a Woody Allen quote, but hey, God has used many strange things in my life!). Chris continued, “‘80% of life is just showing up, but recently you’ve been here, but not really showing up. Showing up means active, engaged and contributing and you’re not.” My boss wasn’t one to pull punches. He went on to say that I was a good worker, but had been in a slump recently… etc., etc.
It was a good talk; one that I needed and I’ve never forgotten his words, even though it happened over 30 years ago. And that quote has become part of the DNA of my life. “80 percent of life is just showing up.”- active, engaged, contributing.
This phrase has shaped me. I may not be the most talented person, in fact in many ways I may be very limited, but I can show up. My resources may be small, but I can be faithful. I may not know the answers or even all of the questions, but I can be there- active, engaged, contributing. I can help, I have a role to play in God’s larger story. I’m part of the team and so are you. God’s grace is active in all of our lives propelling us forward.
And so as a husband, I stay engaged; as a dad, I show up; in my world, I stay active. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but whatever God calls me to, when there is a need, I want to be there. Count me in. I don’t want to be MIA in life.
Christian pastor and author Eugene Peterson (the scholar who compiled The Message) wrote a book years ago that has become a classic. It’s called A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society. I like that. When I reach the finish line, however close or far off that might be, I’d like that to be said of me- “He had a long obedience in the same direction. He wasn’t too ___________ (fill in the blank… handsome, talented, smart, wealthy, charismatic, etc.) but he was faithful.” I could be satisfied with that.