Fellow Workers
“For we are God’s fellow workers, you are God’s field, God’s building.”
1 Corinthians 3:9
This past weekend was fall break at UVA and it was wonderful to have our eldest daughter, Amanda home… we felt like a complete family again. It was nice to catch up, play some games, enjoy a campfire and have her borrow my credit card, go shopping and spend all of my money. At certain points in the weekend, I was hit with strong waves of nostalgia. Time sure passes quickly! It wasn’t a negative emotion, but just a keen awareness that I’d better be present with my kids now because tomorrow will be too late.
For whatever reason, specific memories flooded me from the past… particularly when the kids were toddlers, or in the case of Katelyn when she came to us at age 7 from Shanghai, China. At that young age, all of our kids loved to “help” daddy. Whether it was changing the oil (Josh) or baking a cake (Amanda) or chopping and carrying firewood (Justin) or washing the car (Katelyn), I always needed a “helper” for a home project and they loved to work alongside me. Of course, help from a 3-year-old is questionable at best. Usually, it was more trouble than it was worth. But, I wanted to start instilling a work ethic early and also teach my kids that working together can be fun and rewarding. Pam would just shake her head when both of us would emerge from the project, soaking wet, or covered in flour or oil or whatever.

The most humorous part of the kids “helping” was their outsized pride of accomplishment. “Mommy, I helped Daddy_(fill in the blank)_ (mow lawn, change oil, bake cake, wash car, etc.). We work hard!” Of course, the kids were oblivious to the fact that they had done less than 2% of the work, if that, and often slowed down the process or even hindered it. No, in their mind, Josh was a skilled auto mechanic, Amanda was ready to be a contestant on “Cake Wars”, Justin was ready to start a landscaping company, and Katelyn, a car detailing business.
In some ways, this is a perfect illustration of God and us. God is at work powerfully in this world to advance His Kingdom, glorify Himself, and gather and redeem His people. He certainly doesn’t need us to accomplish this and sometimes I wonder if He doesn’t think our “help” is more trouble than it’s worth. Still, He invites and welcomes our participation. In fact, Paul said, “we are God’s fellow workers.” Co-laborers, ministry partners… those are pretty generous titles for Him to bestow.
So remember, when things are rolling along and you are on top of the world… in reality, you are contributing, maybe 1%. God is doing all the heavy lifting and He is working powerfully in and through you. Praise Him, stay humble and enjoy the ride.
And remember, when things get tough, and you are misunderstood, or fail, or feel like quitting… God has named you as His co-laborer, His fellow worker, His ministry partner. And this high privilege is greater than we could ever aspire to and way more than we deserve. Relax, lean into Him and trust His plan. Let’s work together in God’s field.