Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And so begins the Declaration of Independence, the foundational document of our republic which announced to the world that the thirteen colonies of the Americas would no longer be enslaved to the British Empire. These most famous opening words have injected into the DNA of our nation an appreciation for freedom and a recognition that God is the source of all liberty. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration and it was revised and then ratified by representatives of all thirteen colonies.
As you read through the entire document, you kind of get the impression that the author was familiar with the writings of the apostle Paul. The book of Galatians is a Declaration of Independence of a different kind- that we as believers are no longer enslaved to sin, to the law, and to our past. Instead we are free! Free to love and serve God and be all that God created us to be.
A lesser known part of the Declaration of Independence is the list of grievances- a listing of 25 or so ways that the king of England had infringed on the peoples of the colonies in illegal ways. This became the basis and justification for declaring independence- the King (and parliament) were not granting to the American colonists the same rights guaranteed to the citizens of England.
In the spirit of the colonist’s grievances against King George, I offer my own list of grievances against the old way of life that stands against my freedom in Christ. I will not be “burdened again by the yoke of slavery!”
1. I stand against sin. Sin, you misused me, deceiving me into thinking that momentary pleasure and having my own way would lead to happiness and fulfillment. You lied to me. Selfishness never leads to contentment. When I serve sin I hurt myself and others. I have since discovered that true joy and peace comes from being a beloved son of God and following Jesus. I have been delivered from the power and penalty of sin. My sins, past present and future are forgiven. I am no longer enslaved.
2. I stand against external performance. I reject the long and ever changing checklist of dos and don’t that people project upon me. I refuse to add to the simplicity of the gospel and my relationship with God. If I allow other’s expectations to define me, I can never do enough, work enough, say enough, be enough or give enough. I am always lacking. In Christ I am complete, acceptable and free to follow God wholeheartedly. I rest in Him.
3. I stand against the lies of our world. I reject consumerism that says I will be happy if buy more stuff, own a bigger house or get the latest new technology toy. I reject materialism that says I need to earn more, climb the ladder of success or become a work-a-holic to “make something of myself.” I reject commercialism that says I will be a better person if I use a certain brand of toothpaste, drive a new car, wear designer clothes or get a tummy tuck. I enjoy material possessions but I refuse to measure my life by the accumulation of things.
What is on your list of grievances against the simplicity of life in Christ? Celebrate your freedom today!