God’s Christmas To-Do List

God’s Christmas To-Do List

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace…” Galatians 5:22

Do you make lists? I do. Lists of things to do, lists of people to contact, lists of upcoming family activities, ongoing home projects, books to read…on and on my lists go. Pam has them too. I see them on her dresser, in the bathroom and on the refrigerator in the kitchen. When we are hosting around the holidays, Pam makes lists to make sure everything gets done before guests arrive. Around Christmas time, lots of people make lists. It’s how we gauge our productivity and all the tasks that have to be done before Christmas. Here’s one of my sample lists:

My Home Christmas to-do list
Buy Christmas tree
Put up outside Christmas lights
Get gift for Pam
Get stocking gifts for Pam & kids
Get present for Dad & Mom
Wrap gifts
Repaint trim in dining room
Rake up the front yard
Fix air vent in hallway
Touch up paint for wood stove
Write Christmas cards to elders, deacons & board…

And much, much more… the list goes on and on, and I’ve got a lot left to do! What’s your list looking like?

If I get all of these things done by Christmas Eve, I’ll be feeling pretty good about myself. I’ll have accomplished everything I need to do and the holiday may now proceed. It’s almost as if my to-do list becomes a predictor of what Christmas will be like or a scorecard of my self-worth and efficiency.

What is God’s to-do list for me this Christmas?

This one thing I know… he is far less interested in all the things I feel I have to do and much more interested in the condition of my heart. He wants me to experience love, joy, and peace. Think of it as God’s to-do list. So, when you get yet another invitation to a holiday party or you feel the pressure to purchase another 5 or 10 gifts to live up to someone else’s expectations of you, or you get all frazzled because your lavish plans for Christmas day are threatening to unravel, go back to God’s to-do list for you. He wants me to rest in his goodness and not get consumed by the frenzy of the season. Love, joy and peace… that’s a simple list. That is God’s to-do list for you this Christmas.

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