Going Home (by Pam)
…forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. (Philippians 3:13)

Originally we were going to stay one last night in a hotel to break up the trip. We thought that this would be a fitting end to a great vacation- maybe relax by the pool or watch an in-room movie. The GPS showed 7 1/2 hours to home, but we typically travel slow and we knew that with bathroom breaks and lunch the drive would be closer to nine hours. However, when we talked about it with the kids, they surprisingly pleaded, “Please can we go straight home? We want to sleep in our own beds! “
After being away for two weeks, we had slept in five different locations. While staying with family and friends we had hours of laughter and fun memories. We also enjoyed quiet mornings on the porch, walks on the beach and times of reflection in the mountains. Our tired bodies and minds had soaked in the sunshine and had been renewed.
But now we were ready to go home. We left Pigeon Forge, TN late morning and sure enough arrived home about nine hours later. Sore and stiff, we were very ready to be out of the car, but also very glad to see our house, our dog, and of course our sons, who had stayed behind because of work schedules. The quote that is often stitched on those decorative pillows, “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home. “ never felt so true.
That night I woke about 2 AM, and for a brief moment I was disoriented and couldn’t figure out where I was. Then my mind cleared, and I sighed with contentment and thought, “Oh good, I’m home. “
During my quiet time the next morning I reflected on how our souls long for our home in heaven. “God has set eternity in the hearts of men. “ (Ecclesiastes 3:11) This journey on earth that is filled with both joys and hardship is not our ultimate destination. The song writer wrote, “All I know is I’m not home yet, this is not where I belong. Take this world, but give me Jesus. This is not where I belong! “ We aren’t there yet, but there is something that stirs in our heart to go HOME… our real, forever home.
God has designed it that way. In our true and deepest heart, we long for God and our rest in Jesus.
But it’s easy to get distracted by the journey, isn’t it? Sometimes discouragement and hard times or even pleasure and prosperity cause us to forget that we are mere travelers here moving towards the sure destination that Jesus is preparing for us. We forget that Jesus WILL come back to take us home to heaven to be with him forever. No more sorrow or crying or pain… A secure home that overflows with his love and lights up with his presence.
Don’t be distracted… heaven is our true home. Even so come Lord Jesus! I can’t wait to go home!