Hard Words
Mark 16:15

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”
How many believers were there in 100 AD? Answer: About 25,000
How many believers were there in 310 AD? Answer: 20,000,000
In other words, in a little over 200 years, Christianity grew from being a small religious sect in a backwater area of Palestine into the most significant force in the Roman Empire. In fact, Christians were so numerous that in 313 the emperor Constantine adopted Christianity as the official religion of Rome! (Not that he did us any favors, but that’s another story…)
So how did the church experience such exponential growth in those early years? Before you answer, consider this:
1. Christianity was an underground religion- at best Christians were tolerated; at worst they were severely persecuted.
2. There were no church buildings, no powerpoint, worship bands, church nurseries or Sunday schools, Archeologists have uncovered a few chapels from this time period, but they were small. Congregations met in homes or public spaces.
3. There was no professional clergy, Bible colleges, denominations or seminaries.
Isn’t it interesting that the church grew without any of the programs we would normally use to evaluate the “health” of a church.
Perhaps that was just a historical fluke? Well, it happened again.
In 1949 the Communist government expelled western missionaries from mainland China. After 150 years of missionary activity the church was forced to go underground. Many in the West lost hope- what would believers do now that the entire structure of church- buildings, schools, and leadership- was shut down? How would the church survive without help from the West? After over 100 years of missionary activity there were an estimated 2 million Christians in China. In 2006, a mere 60 years later, experts estimate the number of followers of Jesus at 80 million! It seems like the church in China did better without us!
What’s going on here?
Is it possible that when the church gets stripped of all of the trappings that define success to an American suburban middle class family- a well qualified, paid clergy, expansive buildings with well developed programs for every age group, a denominational structure with its own publishing house, bible schools and music industry- that the church thrives? Why?
I’ve got an idea. I think that when the church gets comfortable and in a position of power and affluence people become complacent and internally focused. It becomes all about us and meeting our needs. Pastor Bob at Grace Life is good, but I really like the music and cafe at McLean Bible (plus they have a parking garage and shuttle)… and Joel Osteen in Houston- what a positive message, great hair and smile! Maybe I’ll just stay home and watch him. We become religious consumers shopping for the best deal- where can I get the most “church” for the least commitment? Our churches become beautifully appointed warehouses to feed and maintain the already over fed instead of launching points for God’s redeeming invasion of planet earth. The horses never get out of the barn; the salt never gets out of the shaker.
Last night I spoke with Pastor Dwaine from Jamaica. We’ve been partnering with this young pastor and the church on Cornwall Mountain, Westmoreland Jamaica for 5 years. It’s a traditional Baptist church with a Sunday morning / Sunday night worship service- suit and tie, traditional hymns, etc. Do you know what Pastor Dwaine did last Sunday night as the congregation gathered for worship? He sent everyone home. “Go home and talk to your neighbors.” he told them. “Next Sunday we’ll get back together and talk about it.” Wow.
Life is the point, so let’s go and share it. The world is waiting.