I am Qualified!
Colossians 1:12-13
Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Over the last several years I’ve kind of gotten into reading James Mitchener novels. Mitchener was the Pulitzer prize winning novelist who wrote Tales of the South Pacific, the book upon which the broadway musical South Pacific was based. He also wrote about two dozen other historical fiction novels- huge works often running 500 to 1000 pages. I normally would get bored with a book that long, but I have found that while on vacation I can find the time. Reading on the beach is a favorite pastime and a large 600+ page hardback book can double as a defensive weapon if anyone makes fun of me in my swim suit.
So last week I sat on the beach and read the novel Caribbean. Although many of the characters were fictitious, Michener was known for his meticulous research in history and culture and always gives an accurate portrayal of actual historic events in his books. Since our church has been ministering in Jamaica for many years and we care deeply about the people on the island, I thought that the novel might provide me with insight into the history and culture of the nation.
A good portion of the book was set in Jamaica during the time of colonization when the island nation was under the control of Great Britain who used African slave labor to run massive sugar plantations. By 1800 the slave population outnumbered the plantation owners by 20 to 1 and the English depended on their army and navy to keep the slaves in check. In fact it was only after a series of bloody revolts throughout the Caribbean that European nations began liberating the oppressed populations.
One of the adverse practices during this time was the purchasing of military commissions. Rich English land owners or nobility could front large amounts of money and purchase positions of influence within the government, army and navy. Sons of wealthy people would be summarily placed in authority (often in the Caribbean) over military operations, ships or defensive garrisons with little or no experience. They were appointed but they were not qualified. They had none of the training or life experiences to succeed in their position and the results were often disastrous for those who came under their command.
Not so with life in the kingdom of God! Don’t you love this verse in the Bible (above)? It says to give thanks because our Father has qualified us for kingdom life. God has “made us fit” or “given us competence” or “made us more than sufficient” for all that he has called us to do. We don’t have to make ourselves righteous, he gives us Christ’s righteousness. We don’t have to make ourselves holy, we have the spirit of Christ within. We don’t have to merit God’s favor, it is freely bestowed. Our inheritance isn’t earned it’s granted. Thank you God! I am qualified and if Jesus says so, who am I to question it?
Unfortunately I meet sincere children of God all of the time who don’t believe that Jesus has qualified them for their inheritance in the kingdom of light. They say things like… “I must not be a very good Christian…” or “I’m not as spiritual as I ought to be…” Who told you that? It wasn’t God who has redeemed you and forgiven you of all your sins!
Don’t buy the lie that you aren’t qualified. Anything God has called you to do in his kingdom you can do.
Now live it!