I’m Okay… Or Am I?

I’m Okay… Or Am I?

Every once in a while, something comes along that shakes my world. You ever have that happen to you? Now, I’m not talking about superficial things, like the day I discovered chocolate-covered Nutella Oreos at Sunnyside Bakery—although, let’s be honest, that was pretty epic. No, I’m talking about those moments when something hits you so deep it changes the way you think or view the world.

That happened to me about a month ago while I was listening to a podcast. Ever since, this idea has been rolling around in my head, and I’ve shared it with anyone who would listen (thanks for enduring, Pam & Isaac!). The ridiculous thing is this audio snippet was only a little over a minute long! It was part of a podcast on finding peace and stability in chaotic times.

Here’s the audio.

I’d encourage you to listen to it, but if you’re not able to, here’s the transcript:

“I have a great friend who is a master of analogy, and we’ll get together we’ll have a cigar, and he’ll tell me what he’s been thinking about.  And in the middle of the summer, he was talking about his marriage … and family.  And he said,  ‘you know what I’ve realized? {pause}… The soul is like a city.’”

“I say, ‘Very good tell me more.’”

“And he says,  ‘And in that city there’s a building called, ‘I’m Okay.’  And that building is sitting on something.’”

“I say,  ‘Tell me more….’”

“And he says, ‘Well, what I’m beginning to realize having kids and our world getting more complicated, is you start to discover everything besides God-is-in-command-of-the-universe-and-I-can-abide-in-his-presence, upon which that building sits.’”

“So he goes,  ‘We’re just discovering that the ‘I’m Okay’ building sits on ‘my kids are healthy’….’”

“And you know what’s interesting, because for a lot of us the “I’m Okay” building… well, what we discover is the random things [upon which] that building sits….”

That’s it. One minute and 15 seconds. But, it really impacted me.

My soul is like a city… and in that city is a building called “I’m OK.” As life happens, we start to discover what that building is actually resting on. We think it’s resting on God, but more often than we’d like to admit, it’s not because something is happening and we’re NOT okay.

Diagnostic Tool for the Soul

Ever since I heard this analogy, it’s become a bit of a diagnostic tool for me. When I’m not okay—when there’s turmoil inside or around me—I’ve started to ask myself, what’s my “I’m OK” building resting on right now? Am I “okay” because my kids are doing well? Or because the church is stable? Am I “okay” because my plans are going smoothly, or because everyone is thinking well of me?

Don’t get me wrong—those things are important. But the moment we rely on them as the foundation for our well-being, we’re building on sand. The truth is, there’s only one solid foundation for our “I’m OK” house, and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul puts it this way in 1 Corinthians 3:11:

“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

So, What’s Your Foundation?

Here’s the million-dollar question: What’s your “I’m OK” building resting on today?

  • “I’m OK if my kids are healthy.”
  • “I’m OK if my marriage is strong.”
  • “I’m OK if I have financial security.”
  • “I’m OK if so-and-so wins / doesn’t win the election.”
  • “I’m OK if [fill in the blank].”

We all have something, don’t we? That thing that, if we’re honest, props up our sense of stability. But the reality is, all of these things can shift or crumble. Kids grow up and make their own choices. Marriages go through seasons. Financial security can unravel in a single day and health can dissipate with a phone call. And don’t even get me started on the election.

The Unshakable Foundation

Psalm 46 paints a picture of God as a refuge, regardless of the chaos around us:

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way, and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea… The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:1-2, 7)

Mountains may fall, seas may roar, but God is a foundation that never moves. He is the only One who holds our “I’m OK” building securely, no matter what life throws at us.

 So, What’s Next?

Let me ask you again: What’s your “I’m OK” building resting on? Is it propped up by something that could shift or disappear tomorrow? Or is it built on the unshakable, eternal foundation of Jesus Christ? The next time you feel your blood pressure rising, your heart sinking, or your world falling apart, take a moment to check what under your house. If you’re resting on Him, you’re still OK and you can stand firm. And that, my friends, is far more comforting than even chocolate-covered Nutella Oreos.

8 thoughts on “I’m Okay… Or Am I?

  1. An excellent reminder. I suppose it’s the difference between focusing on the gift instead of the giver. Focusing on the peace more than the one who brought it. Then losing sight of the giver of peace when things get rocky.

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