Jamaica 2013

Several members of our team have been going to West Haven orphanage each day. This is a facility for the developmentally disabled- whether physically or mentally. Four years ago Bob Klima, a Christian lawyer from Manassas with a passion for the disabled traveled with GLCC to Jamaica and encountered West Haven. God stirred him deeply and he answered God’s call to make a difference. He has since established a non-profit corporation, Children with Disabilities Fund International (https://thecdfi.org) which has almost single-handedly changed West Haven from a warehouse for discarded humans into a nurturing, caring environment in which the disabled are respected as being created in the image of God and encouraged to reach their full potential. Three of our team have ministered their every day and 2 others for a day as we fed, dressed, bathed, sang, cuddled, and taught these very precious children of God. Bob Klima is a testament to what passionately pursuing a dream can mean. What’s your dream?
Up at the Cornwall Mountain school relationships are being built and children are sharing openly. On Wednesday in our after school program Cindy Hagenhoff was teaching the1-3rd graders about Jesus being “with us.” She asked the students,“What are you afraid of?” One student bravely shared that he was afraid of the dark. Like the uncorking of a bottle, one by one the students shared openly about their fears. Some were ordinary children’s fears- of thunder, dogs and bee stings; but some were of a much deeper nature. “I’m afraid when my dad beats my mother.” or “I’m afraid my mother will kill someone when she gets angry.” It takes your breath away to think of some of the heavy situations these children carry around in their hearts.
Nelson and Sara (and any other team member brave enough to set foot out in the school yard during recess) are instant rock stars. Dozens of children follow us around like the pied piper. Soccer balls fly and children skip rope,there are so many expressions of joy in the running, jumping and free play of Jamaican children. Today Cindy broke out the parachutes and the lower elementary children squealed as the hid under the parachute as it gently enfolded them. Nelson and I played with the older kids- football (soccer), tossing a ball and generally running around like idiots in the tropical sun and heat. Nelson’s wearing pretty well, he’s sixteen after all, but this pastor’s body is feeling it.
One of the neatest program elements we have this year is doing portrait photos of the entire school. Eric Eskam sent us with the little portable photo printer that we use for GLCC’s fall festival. Over the course of the week Dennis and I took a picture of every child in the school in front of a beautiful crimson Bouganvilla. We were able to finish printing them just in time for them to be ready for the kids tomorrow. One of the cool things about taking their picture was an opportunity for me to speak truth into each individual child as they smiled for the camera. “You have an awesome smile and are beautiful just the way you are!”
The women ministry has had between 24 and 26 ladies from the community each day. Their crafts this year were stenciling and painting aprons, personalizing a photo frame and an accompanying photo, and personalizing a large can to hold kitchen utensils, which we also gave them as a gift. The women thrived in this environment and Carol Rusaw led them in an engaging conversational teaching on “Being Wise Women” from the book of Proverbs. One of the women from the community brought a baby that was one week old!
Today the school had a special assembly in our honor. They presented us with little gifts and then each class presented a song, dance or poem often in Patois, thenative dialect of Jamaica. The “cute factor” was off the charts. They ended the presentation with a 4thgrade girl nervously singing strong and clear Hallelujah, The Lord God Almighty Reigns. The words of the apostle Paul came to mind as she sang, “There is one body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4, 6)
The team has done an extraordinary job of representing GLCC and our Lord. We are tired but satisfied. God has been faithful even in our time of stretching and we have seized every opportunity to share his love unsparingly to others. Tomorrow we visit the orphanage that six years ago inspired Pam and I to adopt and then take some well deserved R&R. See you Sunday, Grace Life Community Church! Pray for safe connecting flights home. We ship out Saturday AM. Your GLCC Jamaica 2013 team is signing off from sunny, warm Jamaica. No problem, mon! Check Facebook for team pictures.