Jamaica 2023 Day #1
We have safely arrived in Jamaica for our week of ministry with Jamaica Link Ministries! Let me step you through our eventful day.
We gathered at Bethany church at 5:15 AM and were on the road by 5:38 AM. Not bad! Everyone came ready to roll with suitcases packed and our 7 ministry boxes were loaded, labeled and zip tied shut, ready for transport. We gathered for a brief prayer and I challenged the team with Ephesians 2:10… that each one of us was God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God had already planned in advance for us to do. We may think we know what those good works are, and have diligently prepared, but God’s the only one who knows for sure, and if we keep our eyes open and remain flexible, we will certain encounter some surprises for us as we walk in step with the Spirit.
Then we kissed and hugged our loved ones who came out to see us off and climbed in the vans. Cliff Snader and Gerald Sauder shuttled us to Philadelphia International Airport. At PHL, American Airlines opened up a special line for our group of 18 to get checked in. Everything went smoothly as the wonderful American employees worked hard for us and then wished us good luck in our ministry. Everywhere we went today, we seemed to find faithful Christian people serving us with willing joy. Our support team is much bigger than we think!
When we boarded the plane, a flight attendant asked two of our boys if they would transfer up to first class so that a family could all sit together in the main cabin. I’ve never seen such big smiles in all my life! The first class flight attendant doted on them and came back several time to tell me what they were up to… eating everything in sight, saying, “this is free, right?” and otherwise charming everyone around them. Way to go, Bricke and Wyatt. What a great start to a mission trip!
When we landed in Montego Bay, everything moved like clockwork. A tourist representative met us as we disembarked with a sign that said, “Pastor Steve & Bethany Grace”. She fast tracked us through immigration and customs and our precious ministry boxes all checked through without a hitch. I’ve never been on a trip that went quite this smoothly.
Now, I’m sitting in the JLM dining hall writing this report after everyone has gone off to bed. The kids tried to stay up and play some games, but we have a full day tomorrow and after shopping for our pack lunches, swimming in the Caribbean, settling into our rooms and having a big pizza dinner, everyone was pretty wiped out.
Tomorrow we are attending the early service at Uprising City Church and then dividing the team up to minister at churches in two impoverished areas- Flankers and Canterbury. Thanks for your prayers. I realize this isn’t a literary masterpiece, but I’m having difficulty seeing straight and I’m preaching tomorrow! Good night, all.
2 thoughts on “Jamaica 2023 Day #1”
Thanks for a great update looking forward to hearing more
Thank you Pastor Steve, for the PTL report … truly a masterpiece considering the very long, but wonderful day you all had.
Praying the whole time there will go smoothly and all remain well.
I’m going to BGF this morning. 🙂
Ruthie Sauder
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