Jamaica 2023 Mission Accomplished
Good Friday Evening! It’s 10 PM here and I’m happy to report that we’ve completed our mission in Jamaica! I am so proud of this team and the hard work, sweat (lots of sweat) and tears they have invested in God’s kingdom work.
Yesterday (Thursday) I didn’t issue a report. One, because I was exhausted and couldn’t seem to get my head around a cogent report and second, because the majority of our day was at Robin’s Nest Children’s Home and they specifically asked that we not publish photos. As on Tuesday and Wednesday, our Thursday started with in-class devotions at Flankers Primary and Junior High and ended with the after-school program at Canterbury.
Today was our off day. We did one final all-school devotion at Flankers, where Paige did a cool experiment in which she used iodine, water and bleach to tell the story of Achan and how God desires to wash away our sins. The boys did their skit (the third time we used this, Thanks Gwen!) and the we said our goodbyes.
From there it was off to Ocho Rios for some shopping, lunch at a jerk chicken place and an exciting hike up the world famous Dunn’s River Falls. This evening we hosted our Jamaican ministry partners at JLM for a celebration dinner. To me, this was the highlight of the trip. As you’ve no doubt picked up on, Pastor Danny Thomas and his wife Angela have chosen to pastor Redemption Chapel in Canterbury which is a very impoverished community with very little resources and opportunities. So, it was a big deal for the folks we partnered with to come as honored guest to a catered dinner. Along with Pastor Danny & Angela came the 3 cooks that prepared and served the children’s meal each day over an open charcoal fire, three Jamaican laborers and a volunteer who assisted our team in the work projects, Ms. Bea, the elderly resident whose house we repaired, and several folks who helped with crafts, crowd control and other duties.
None of them have cars, so we sent over our little coaster to pick them up. When they arrived, I greeted them warmly as they stepped off the bus. Then as they enter the dining hall, our team was already seated and spontaneously burst in to applause and shouted a loud and enthusiastic welcome while gesturing for them to come sit at their table. A huge smile erupted on each of our ministry partner’s face as they entered. You could tell they felt valued and special. Once everyone was seated, I welcomed everyone by listing all of the things we were celebrating- the 3 year journey that Bethany traversed through COVID to finally get to Jamaica, the replacing of the church windows, repair of the roof, siding, painting and the new steps at Ms. Bea’s house, the faithful sowing of gospel seeds in the lives of the children through the daily after-school program and meal, as well as the opportunity to teach the bible in the Flankers public school. But most of all, we were celebrating new friendships and the goodness of God which made it all possible. Then amid engaging conversation, we enjoyed a meal of soup, salad, BBQ chicken, eschovitch fish & rice with mixed vegetables, topped off with chocolate cake. As I circulated among the tables, I heard our Jamaican partners say, “I can’t remember the last time someone served me a meal.” and “I never get out for a night by myself!” This was clearly a night they (and we) will remember for a long time. In the end, the leftovers were boxed up and sent home with them.
We concluded with a brief time of prayer and sharing with each other times during the week when we were inspired or blessed by the actions of others. It was precious to see our team and the Jamaicans share this time of mutual encouragement. Right as we were dismissing, Pastor Danny’s wife, Angela called out that there was one of our Jamaican friends who was facing a very difficult time and that she felt led to pray for her. With that she pointed out Rhema, the head cook. The entire room, except for a couple of the Jamaican construction guys who weren’t Christians, stood and laid hands on Rhema. Another Jamaican woman broke into a song about God’s power and faithfulness and then we prayed over this dear sister for healing, comfort, and restoration. It was the perfect ending to the perfect night.
As we dismissed, there were tons of pictures, laughter mixed with sorrow and big hugs as we parted ways. Pastor Dave, the president of JLM said that it was like a rehearsal for heaven, except for the parting.
Eternity will reveal what was truly accomplished this week, but we are leaving Jamaica with the satisfaction of knowing that we gave it our all. God was glorified and if our Jamaican friends were blessed half as much as we were, then the expense, effort and investment of time and resources was more than worth it.
Pray for our flight tomorrow (Saturday). We are scheduled to arrive in Philly at 5:08 and hope to be home well before 8 PM. See you Sunday!
Steve for the team. Enjoy the pics below.

9 thoughts on “Jamaica 2023 Mission Accomplished”
I’m proud of the way the BGF team learned from, partnered with, served and honored the church of Jamaica. Praise Him for providing far exceedingly and more abundantly than we every could have asked or thought of. Excited to hear these stories in person.
Thanks son! One day you will come with us again and renew all your Jamaica connections.
Well done- sounds like it was a great experience!!!
I enjoyed reading all the updates. Brought back memories of our time were in Jamaica 🇯🇲 with the Bethany family years ago
Thanks for the updates
Thanks for all that Steve .. what an awesome opportunity.
It was a blessing to read each days report and see all the pictures .We know that it was a blessing to all involved and that God was glorified.We are so thankful for the health ,strength and safety God gave you on this trip.The joy you had while serving showed in all your smiling faces.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated each day! It was the highlight of each day to read these as a family. It really made all of us back home feel as “part of the team” and helped us to be more specific in our prayers. It truly was a privilege to pray over this group all week. Praise the Lord!!
Thanks for your prayer. Bricke was a huge contributor to the team. Great young man.
Such a great team Steve, You blessed so many and this team will carry the memories their whole lives.
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