Jamaica Update #1

Dear GLCC Friends and Family,
News is trickling down here about the tremendous day you all had at church today- a wonderful spirit of worship, a great sermon (how could it be anything but great with P. Bob preaching?), an incredible outpouring of generosity to the tune of $185,000 and counting, and then an awesome all-church supper.
From the very start our slogan or tag for this month long generosity emphasis was “paying down the mortgage to free up money for ministry.” Let me describe to you what that looks like on the ground here in Jamaica.
On Saturday our team flew to Jamaica with 13 ministry bags packed with supplies for needy Jamaican schools and churches. All of these supplies were purchased or donated by you- GLCC friends who have a vision and passion to reach the world for Christ. We brought with us a 40 inch flat screen TV donated by a generous friend for the Cornwall Mountain School so that they can show educational videos to entire classrooms of children. These videos were also donated by our church. We purchased two small business copy machines- one for Cornwall Mountain so they can make photocopies of worksheets for students who cannot keep pace with their class and the other for Mount Stewart Baptist so they can make copies of Sunday school curriculum. These machines were purchased by generous donors and with designated mission giving from the month of January and February. We also brought with us two crafts for the after school Bible program and a New Testament Bible for the entire school of 185 students, gifts for teachers, supplies for the orphanage and two crafts for a three day community women’s Bible study.
Today we worshipped at Mt. Stewart Baptist Church. It was children’s Sunday and the church was packed. Our teen girls taught Sunday school, I preached and Brian Ganzert taught teen Sunday school. During the worship service over 160 people crammed into that little building. Pre- service and special music was played on a computer donated by our church and praises and worship rang through microphones and a sound system brought with us last year. The building was safe, dry and secure thanks to some replacement windows purchased with a special love gift provided by GLCC.
I could go on and on, but there is scarcely a corner of this remote mountain community that hasn’t been impacted from our church’s uncommon generosity.
So when we say we are freeing up money for more ministry, THIS is what we are talking about- Lives being impacted through the gospel being proclaimed and embodied in our mission teams and ministry support. Thanks for making it a good day not just in Bristow Virginia, but also on Cornwall Mountain, Westmoreland, Jamaica.