Little Things
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. Zechariah 4:10
This past Sunday, as I sat quarantining in my living room watching our student ministry intern Isaac Martin preach, it hit me. 2021 is a big year. This year I celebrate 30 years of pastoral ministry and 30 years of marriage to Pam. It’s hard to believe, but in 1991 I was a pastoral intern at Grace Baptist Church of Boyertown, soon to marry Miss Pam Shisler of Harleysville, Pennsylvania. How time has flown. I remember my first sermon as an intern. Lord, have mercy! I can tell you; it wasn’t nearly as good as what we heard on Sunday.
It’s hard to envision what life will look like when you’re young and just beginning in ministry. I guess it’s like that in most careers- you “don’t know what you don’t know.” It’s probably best that way. But God certainly knows, and he has been a faithful guide every step of the way.
Pastors at the beginning of their ministry often think BIG- like holding a city-wide revival, pastoring a 22,000-member mega-church or writing a New York Times bestselling book. And that’s fine. Wasn’t it pioneer missionary William Carey who said, “Expect Great Things from God, Attempt Great Things for God.”? There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big.
But when I look back over the past 30 years and think of my most impactful ministry moments, they are almost all SMALL– taking the time to meet with a couple whose marriage was on the rocks, answering a midnight phone call to go to the hospital or investing in a single teenager who was struggling with her faith. It hasn’t been single big events, but a series of small opportunities that have made the greatest impact for God. I think it’s that way with most people. Think back over your life. Has God primarily worked through a big dramatic event or through a multitude of small things?
Now, without a doubt, God can do BIG things. After all, He did split the Red Sea… once. And I thank God for every Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and Mother Theresa out there who have done BIG things for God. But most often God uses small things- a timely word of encouragement, a consistent demonstration of unconditional love, or the faithful prayers of a friend. He’s a big God who delights in using hundreds of small things to advance his kingdom.
If God can use a shepherd’s staff (Exodus 4:2), five smooth stones (1 Samuel 17:40) or a boy’s lunch (John 6:9) to accomplish his will, might not he use you, just the way you are and right where you are? If we’re honest, most of us are of modest abilities and limited capacities. I think that’s the reason the Bible reminds us, “whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)” Nothing is too small or too insignificant to make a difference for eternity. To me, that’s liberating and empowering! It may just be that the next small thing makes a huge difference to God.
So, if you’re a Harvard grad or have an IQ north of 140, God bless you. To whom much is given, much is required. But for the rest of us… let’s be faithful today in 100 small ways, trusting that the God of small beginnings will use today and every day to accomplish his perfect plan in and through us.
He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much. Luke 16:10
8 thoughts on “Little Things”
Steve – Thanks for uplifting comments and faithfulness in blogging. Always blessed after reading.
Thanks for this. I always felt the things I did (preschool ministry) was small, But you are right, anything we do for God is significant.
Thanks for the encouragement Pastor Steve
I am always encouraged by your midweek devotional, Pastor Steve.
We miss you and your family as you quarantine. Thank you for taking the time to encourage us each week.
Thanks Dee. Miss you all too.
Thanks for the reminder, Pastor. I hope the family learns new “small things” to help each other through quarantine.
I love this, Pastor Steve. Praying you guys through quarantine! Be faithful in the small things.
Thanks Steph! Prayers appreciated.
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