Missional Moments

“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message,
so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ…”Colossians 4:3
On Saturday, my daughter Amanda and I were down in D.C. at Children’s Hospital visiting a family friend. After the visit, I wanted to take her to a Jamaican takeout place on N. Capitol St. NW. It’s a little storefront restaurant with no seating and an order counter about the size of a shoebox.
We found parking (no small feat) and went in to place our order (fresh snapper, rice and peas, cabbage and a side of mac & cheese). Yum! As the food was being prepared other customers flowed in until there was standing room only, with perhaps twelve people crammed into the little space, all waiting for their food.
Beside us stood an African American couple and we began to chat. It took about 30 seconds to discover that we were all believers and the gentleman was a Baptist pastor serving a dynamic congregation in the city. We talked and laughed and shared testimony of the faithfulness of God. It was like we had a little church service going on, all the while crammed like sardines into this little waiting area. I couldn’t help notice that others around us were listening. As we both got our food and headed out the door, we exchanged business cards and warmly said goodbye. He said, “Isn’t this something; every appointment is a Divine Appointment.”
Every appointment is a Divine Appointment.
I couldn’t agree more.When we are going about our daily business and God sends us a divine appointment, I call that a Missional Moment. Maybe it’s having an unexpected spiritual conversation at work or with your waitress at Olive Garden. Maybe it’s an opportunity to use the “God Loves You” business cards the church makes available or assisting someone on the highway with a flat tire. Whatever the circumstance, a missional moment is a place in our day when God directs or redirects us to do His work. Of course, all of our work is for God, but a missional moment is when the kingdom of God breaks through in an obvious or unexpected way.
Have you had a missional moment recently? Keep an eye out, God wants to send you one! And there is nothing quite so satisfying as knowing that God used you in some way to advance His kingdom work.