My Boast
This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me…” Jeremiah 9:23-24
Let him who boasts boast in the LORD. 1 Corinthians 1:31

My Boast
So, are you tired of the election cycle yet? Every night, it seems, without fail at the dinner hour we get one or two phone calls from survey firms, well meaning poll workers, or my personal favorite, the robo-call pre-recorded message. I’m afraid that I’m beginning to get a little snarky with them on the phone- “Sorry, I’m eating my dinner. What? An election? Haven’t heard anything about that! Good bye.” Whatever your political persuasion, I’m sure you too are frustrated with the whole process that surrounds politics- the fabrications, distortions and accusations. As good citizens and members of a democracy, I believe we should exercise our rights to vote and stay engaged, but I’m not looking to Washington DC for any long term solutions.
“Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom…”
I heard on the news this morning that China has brought online it’s first aircraft carrier with many more to come. Analysts believe that China, with its 1.3 billion people, wants to project more power around the world especially with territorial disputes in the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and of course, Taiwan. The United States struggles to secure its embassies across the Arab world and withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, and Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran continues to threaten even while his scientists continue to develop nuclear weapons. Israel may take matters into her own hands. It sure seems like the exercise of power isn’t really solving global problems.
“… Or [let not] the strong man boast of his strength.”
I read in the Washington Post last week that 5 of the top 10 wealthiest counties in the nation are in Northern Virginia, with Prince William County coming in 7th with a median income of $95,360 and Fauquier right behind in 8th place. Loudoun, Fairfax and Arlington counties fill the one, two and three slots. But, even while we live in the wealthiest region of the wealthiest nation in all of recorded history, we still have poverty, divorce, broken families, pain, loss and hopelessness. Money doesn’t bring happiness and many times it masks the real issues while people drown their sorrows in shopping, the latest technology gadget and entertainment.
“… Or [let not] the rich man boast in his riches.”
This morning, I participated in the Stonewall Jackson High School “See You at the Pole” event. From 6:55 until 7:15AM, 50 high school students of all races and denominations prayed for fellow students, our nation and the world. It’s a powerful thing to see the next generation of the church call out to God and lift up His name. These young people were unashamed and bold- ready to be counted as followers of Jesus.
“…but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows [the LORD].”
Today, I choose to celebrate and boast in the LORD. Strength is not in wisdom, power or riches. Strength and hope are found in understanding, knowing and following God. Boast in that today!