My New Year’s Resolution
1 Corinthians 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

re·solve /riˈzälv/ n. a firm determination to do something.
So I’ve been trolling around Facebook looking at everyone’s New Year’s resolutions; at least those who were bold enough to post them. I’ve never been too good at holding to New Year’s resolutions. But there sure are a lot of great resolutions flying around this time of year- lose weight, diet, exercise, self improvement, budgeting, devotional activity, Bible study. Good stuff, I guess. And for everyone who posted your resolution on Facebook; you are braver than I. Perhaps broadcasting your intentions will help hold your feet to the fire? Good luck with that. Like I said, I’ve never been too successful with the whole New Year resolution thing.
I remember the “Read the Bible through in a year” resolution that I made for three consecutive years in high school. I’ve got two words to say about that one… Leviticus and Numbers. You know what I’m talking about? I got through Genesis three times, though. Does that count? In Bible college I got real serious about resolutions. I thought… there are 24 hours in each day and the Bible talks about tithing, so why don’t I just take 10% of each day and devote it to spiritual pursuits? That’s only 2.4 hours per day…. I made it about a week and then started to count ping pong and dates with Pam as spiritual activities. After that, the resolution went much better. Then there was the “gonna train for a marathon” phase. That hit in my thirties. Well, all I can say is, I’ll be 46 this year and I have managed to avoid running a marathon up until this point. I read about a guy who started running them in his 60s and lived to be ninety, so there’s still hope. I gotten several pair of great athletic shoes out of that resolution over the years.
I did see one New Year’s resolution that I liked. A lot. It was posted by the author Andrew Farley. This is what he wrote:
A New Year’s Resolution: “I resolved to know nothing… except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2)
I resolve to know Jesus better in 2013. I like that. That really resonates with my heart. It doesn’t bog me down to a particular activity- like, I will pray 15-30 minutes every day at 5 AM or do a juice fast every Thursday. I’m not committing to reading the complete works of Matthew Henry (a Bible commentary) or to save up and take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the fall. I just want to make myself more available to know Jesus better. I know there will be plenty of opportunities for that in the coming year. And I also know that this is God’s desire for me too. I fully realize that getting to know Jesus better may involve many of the things that I have made resolutions for in the past- like more meaningful spiritual disciplines; but there is flexibility too. I’m not locked into a particular behavior for a 12 month period and, more importantly, I’m not tricked into judging my spirituality by my ability to “perform, deliver or stick to it.” In fact, getting to know Jesus better sounds like fun! I know that if I am attentive (and even if I’m not) Jesus will continue pursuing me in a relationship this year. He just invites me to respond.
So, if for some twisted and demented reason you feel compelled to make a New Year’s resolution, feel free to join me in mine. I resolve to know Jesus better in 2013.
That’s something that you can begin today!