Sing to the Lord
I will sing of your steadfast love, O LORD, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 89:1

A couple of weeks ago I was sneaking around the house, the way parents sometimes do, to check up on what my kids were doing.
Josh is downstairs watching ESPN sports center, check. Amanda is in her room reading a book, check. Katelyn is at the kitchen table with the laptop playing some kind of matching game on Webkinz, check. Justin is, Justin is… where is Justin? Well, our house isn’t that big, so after drifting into most of the rooms, I was pretty sure he wasn’t in the house. It’s not like he’s a quiet kid or hiding in a closet. I wasn’t overly concerned, but still wanted to know where he was. The back yard perhaps?
I slip into the back yard and there was Justin bouncing full out on our trampoline as he positively bellowed out a worship song.
Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God…
Sometimes parenting flat out drives me crazy. And then there are moments like this.
Pam and I had a similar experience this past Sunday as we worshipped together as a family. I don’t think our younger kids knew all of the selections since they are usually in Sunday school, but when we closed out the worship set with “Our God” I heard Justin’s boy voice rising powerfully past my ears and up into the presence of God.
Into the darkness You shine
Out of the ashes we rise
There’s no one like You
None like You
I gave Pam this look that said, “we may just have the next Chris Tomlin on our hands!” I bet God’s smile was bigger than mine as he took pleasure from the worship of an 8 year old.
Do you sing to God? Now, I didn’t ask if you were good at singing or liked singing or what style of music you prefer. What I am really asking is, do you regularly use your voice to bring praise to God? And if not, why not? After reading through the 122 times that the word ‘sing’ is used in the Bible it’s pretty clear that singing to God is one of the primary ways we express to God our heart of love, worship and thankfulness for all he has done and the blessings he has bestowed.
Over the years I’ve sometimes heard Christians say, “I don’t sing.” And of course we have all encountered people in worship services who regardless of the song selection or music style communicate through their very body language, “Don’t even try to get me to open my mouth!” How sad! What a missed opportunity.
Let’s be a singing people! In the shower, in the car, while listening to your ipod and especially in corporate worship, let’s let God and everyone around us know that we love Jesus. And feel free to come over to the Benedict’s and use our trampoline, if it helps.
Psalm 13:6 I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.