Step Out And Break Free

Step Out And Break Free

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” – Psalm 40:2

Monday, Pam and I took a walk at Memorial Lake State Park. It was my day off, and we wanted to enjoy the beautiful autumn weather and take in some scenery. The park is nestled in Indiantown Gap and boasts a 54-acre lake with the Appalachian Mountains in the background. It was the perfect place to enjoy the fall foliage, as the trees were ablaze with a patchwork of reds, oranges, and yellows. Accompanying us on our adventure was our little beagle, Chloe, on her leash.

Chloe’s just a small dog—no more than 14 inches tall—but she loves the water. So, at various intervals along the trail, when we’d pause to take in the view, she’d step into the shallows along the water’s edge to explore, cool off, and take a drink.

At one point, when Chloe stepped in, the water was deeper than she expected. As she floundered, she turned and gave us a quizzical look as if to say, “I didn’t mean to go that far!” Then, after retreating a few steps, as dogs do, she shook herself, trying to dry off. But she was still standing belly-deep in the water! Pam and I burst out laughing. “I don’t think that’s going to work, Chloe,” I said. Pam shook her head with a grin, “Not the brightest bulb in the pack.”

We moved on, but that image stuck with me. And later, I couldn’t help but think about Chloe’s little predicament. Aren’t we often just the same?

We find ourselves in a situation where we’re in over our heads. Maybe it’s an area of temptation or struggle, a bad habit, or a toxic situation or relationship. Whatever it is, we know we’re not experiencing the freedom that Jesus won for us at the cross. We want to grow in Christ and know we must leave it behind or we’ll remain stuck. But often, we fail to remove ourselves from the very thing that’s pulling us down. We try to “shake off” the struggle, all the while staying close to the source of the problem. And then we wonder why we’re not making progress.

Jesus spoke about this in a startling and often misunderstood teaching. In Matthew 5:29-30, He says:

“If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.”

Jesus isn’t advocating self-harm here, but He’s making a radical point. If there’s something in your life causing you harm or holding you back from experiencing abundant life in Jesus, sometimes the only way to break free is to completely cut yourself off from it. Whether it’s a habit, a relationship, or an environment, we can’t expect to find freedom while wallowing near the very thing that tempts us.

In astrodynamics, there’s a concept called escape velocity. It’s the speed that a spacecraft must reach to break free from gravity. Without reaching that speed, no matter how much effort is exerted or how long the rockets burn, the ship will remain caught in orbit.

Spiritually, we face a similar challenge. If we rely on our own strength and stay stuck in the muck and mire, we’ll never walk in victory. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can reach the “escape velocity” needed to break free and live in the freedom that Christ offers.

God, in His grace, always provides a way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13, reminds us, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” God always offers us a way out, but are we willing to take it?

When we truly surrender our lives to Christ, He doesn’t just offer us forgiveness—He offers us the power to live free. But we need to cooperate with Him. And that means stepping out of the situations and influences that keep us trapped with purpose and intention.

Poor little Chloe finally figured it out. At our prompting, she stepped out of the water, dripping and dirty. And once she was finally back on dry ground, she shook and shed the water that had been weighing her down. The question is—are you ready to step out of the situation that entangles you and walk into the freedom Christ offers?

8 thoughts on “Step Out And Break Free

  1. Разглеждайки темата за застраховката „Гражданска отговорност“, няма как да не споменем ползите и условията, които предлага Болерон при интернет сключване на тази застраховка.
    Болерон ускорява процеса, като предлага ефективна и достъпна платформа за онлайн сключване на полица, което пести време и грижи на потребителите. Освен това, компанията осигурява изгодни цени и прозрачни оферти, което позволява на клиентите да изберат най-доброто решение. Дигиталното решение на Болерон е перфектно за тези, които търсят ефективност и качество, когато става въпрос за гражданска отговорност.

    [url=]цени за застраховка гражданска отговорност [/url]

  2. Разглеждайки темата за задължителната застраховка „Гражданска отговорност“, няма как да не споменем преимуществата и предложенията, които предлага Болерон при онлайн сключване на тази полица.
    Болерон улеснява процеса, като предлага бърза и лесна платформа за онлайн сключване на полица, което икономисва време и усилия на клиентите. Освен това, компанията осигурява атрактивни ценови условия и ясни предложения, което позволява на клиентите да вземат информирано решение. Дигиталното решение на Болерон е отлично за тези, които търсят ефективност и качество, когато става въпрос за застраховка „Гражданска отговорност“.

    [url=]онлайн гражданска отговорност [/url]

  3. Открийте перфектния хармония сред елегантност както и практичност благодарение на фурни за вграждане на “Вето”! Всеки аспект в дома ви заслужава особено внимание, а с фурните за вграждане от “Вето”, вие не просто купувате уред – вие влагате в своята визия за идеалната кухня.
    Смесвайки модерен дизайн и с съвременни технологии, ние ви предлагаме фурни, които осигуряват високо ниво на удобство и производителност при всяка употреба.

    [url=]микровълнова фурна за вграждане siemens[/url]

  4. Poor Chloe! 🤪😂🐶❤️

    I’m so thankful we have a good God Who instructs us how we should live (for our own good! and for His glory) AND THEN ALSO provides His Holy Spirit so we have the power to live the life to which we’ve been called!

    I love how your mind sees His Truth in nature!

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