The fruit of the Spirit is… love
“Hey Dad, did you see that Super Bowl commercial on love? It was put together by some insurance company.”
My son Josh asked me that, this week on the phone while we were talking about the big game. Often for the Super Bowl I’m more attentive to the commercials than I am to the actual game. But somehow I missed this one. I must have been filling my plate with food… again.
In my book, there are only two kind of Super Bowl commercials worth watching- the funny ones and the poignant ones. Make me laugh or make me cry, but anything else is a bust. It always amazes me that a company will pay $5.25 million dollars for a 30 second spot and then put out such a mediocre or non-sensical ad. You gotta think that after watching some of those commercials, the CEOs of some major corporations are pretty upset with their marketing departments.
I know some media groups and newspapers give awards in categories for Super Bowl commercials- best movie trailer, best tearjerker, weirdest commercial, etc. Well, I’d like to give an award for the most Biblical commercial. And the winner is… (drumroll, please)… that NY Life Insurance ad, “Love Takes Action.” that my son Josh asked about. Take 60 seconds to watch it.
Imagine our world dominated by love!
But the world is NOT dominated by love. Quite the opposite. Galatians 5 describes a world that sounds like the Super Bowl half-time show and the US Congress. The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery…hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions and factions (Galatians 5:19-20).
What’s a Christian to do?
Well, the Bible introduces us to the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), a list of quality traits that our Heavenly Father possesses perfectly and that can also be found in the lives of his kids when they walk after the Spirit. It’s the perfect antidote for a world gone crazy. And the first quality trait is love.
But the fruit of the Spirit is ἀγάπη agape… love.
This is the selfless, sacrificial love that God has shown to us through Jesus Christ.
- In an age of bitter political polarization and angry Facebook rants, we show… Love.
- In society that is embroiled in corruption, dishonesty and decadence, we show… Love.
- In a world of war, famine and orphans, the church should rise up and shows … Love.
Love. It’s what sets us apart from the world. It’s what demonstrates to others that God is in you and is the primary marker that you are walking in the Spirit. “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 1 John 4:16
Got love?
2 thoughts on “The fruit of the Spirit is… love”
So on mark… after rewatching the clip I remember seeing that commercial and thought it was a nice one, and how agape love is so important. I agree and have been struggling how to explain it in this way. Thank you… love to you and your family.
Love your church comments on love in this post. Sally H
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