The Heavens Declare! Are You Listening?
Last night Pam and I returned from an extended weekend at my dad’s cabin in Tioga County. I know we weren’t the only ones because I’ve seen a ton of pictures on social media from many friends who were away for the Independence Day holiday.
I always feel closer to God while out in nature and this is especially true in rural upstate Pennsylvania. There’s something restful about being in a place so remote that your nearest neighbor is a mile away and you can count on one hand the number of vehicles that go down the road on a given day. In our “normal” lives, even here in Lancaster County, we are always surrounded by noise and busyness. But up there, things are so… quiet. And that quietness opens my eyes to things I don’t normally see.
Quiet is a relative term, though. When I say Tioga is quiet, I mean the absence of man-made noise and distraction: automobiles, traffic, industry, TV & radio. But things are far from silent. There’s the dawn chorus of songbirds, the constant buzz of insects and the breeze rippling through the fields; the chatter of a distant squirrel, caw of an angry crow or the honk of a migrating goose. All these things are around us back in “civilization”, but they are drowned out by a tsunami of manufactured noise and busyness that consume our days. When all these layers are stripped away, I become so much more aware of my surroundings.
Several years ago, Gary Thomas wrote a book called Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul’s Path to God.* In it, he lists 9 distinct ways that people can relate to God. Similar to Gary Chapman’s “Love Languages,” a sacred pathway is the dominant way we connect with God- through service, study, meditation, etc. People are wired differently, and so there are many ways to hear and respond to God’s voice. But one way is being a “Naturalist” or by connecting to God through the outdoors. What is it about nature that fosters connection and worship of God for so many people?
Psalm 19 holds the key.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. (Psalm 19:1-2)
When we take time to observe the creation, it points us to our Creator. We can learn much about God through the things he has made. The book of Romans tells us that God’s eternal power and divine attributes can be clearly seen through his creation (Romans 1:20). So, the glory and majesty of our world directly reflects the creative heart of a loving God. And I can tell you, God’s attributes were on full display this weekend. God was clearly showing off!
At the cabin, a pair of swallows had built a nest and the babies had just hatched. So, all day, every day, in constant and continuous motion, the adult birds gathered food and fed their hungry chicks, back and forth, back and forth, from dawn to dusk. And as I observed them, I was reminded that God never sleeps and that he’s the sole provider of my needs (Philippians 4:19).
Down at the pond a pair of Canadian geese had hatched 4 goslings and were watching over them protectively. I gave them wide berth, knowing how aggressively a goose will protect their own. And I was reminded that my Father protects me and I dwell in under the shelter of his wings (Psalm 91:3).
As Pam sat on the porch reading, a pair of baby fauns wobbled out of the tall grass onto the cabin lawn. These tiny little creatures frolicked together in the warm sun. And later that day I saw a 4-point buck in velvet, who for the sheer joy of it, bounded across a field in great leaping arcs. These jubilant displays reminded us that God is a God of celebration and created us to experience joy in Him (Nehemiah 8:10).
On and on nature’s parade loudly announced God’s goodness. See that huge, towering tree? God is our strong tower (Proverbs 18:10). An unmovable rock formation? God is our firm foundation (Isaiah 28:16). A stunning sunset? God is a God of great beauty (Psalm 27:4). Take a sip of ice-cold spring water that was in the ground just seconds before? Jesus is our source of Living Water (John 7:37). A trip to the cabin (and the beach) is always an exercise in worship.
So, when you get away this summer and spend some time outdoors, look for the many ways nature points to the attributes and character of our good God. Our world is “pouring forth” his praise (Psalm 19:2). And if you’re attentive and actively tune your heart to God, you may experience the best worship service you’ve ever attended!
What attributes of God do you see in nature? List them in the comments below. I’d love to know how nature reveals God to you.
*For more information on sacred pathways, you can read the book or take this assessment.
9 thoughts on “The Heavens Declare! Are You Listening?”
Thanks Pastor Steve for the inspiring account of your vacation filled with God’s beautiful creation. Earlier this week we loved seeing two bucks in Jefferson County joyfully running around in a yard at the edge of town.
Low hanging clouds, back lite by the sun, reminds me how our God brings beauty out of over cast days in this life. Sun dancing on water, always makes me smile, as John Denver says. When i breath in clear fresh mountain air, ride a wave, kayak down a river, fly down a hill on my bicycle with wind through my hair, I see and feel God smiling, because He is so pleased when I delight in Him.
First, I would like to say how amazing it is in the way God times things, this past weekend, we were just a few miles (as the crow flies) from you! We stayed in a tent at a camp on the top of a mountain just west of your camp! Along with that crazy, wild, powerful thunderstorm that reminds me of God’s amazing, infinite, unfathomable Power, Don and I also experienced a night of glorious clear sky. We had our telescope out and got a glimpse of Mizar, a star in the big dipper that is actually a double star. Also, we spotted a cluster of stars, that to the naked eye is lost deep in the Milky Way. It is seen only as a part of that creamy smear across the night sky. When we are back here at home we cannot even see the Milky Way! The Heavens Declare! And we lose it! We walk under the sky day after day, night after night… and we seldom look up and see God’s declaration! We cannot see it! The light of towns, cities, factories and homes all blot out the beauties of those beautiful heavens that do the declaring!
There are actually 2 very different thoughts I have as I gaze through a telescope at His declaring heavens. First, how often do I allow the “light pollution” of everyday life prevent me from seeing His Glory?
And secondly, I look into the eyepiece of our telescope and things which man has only been able to see so closely for the past couple of hundred years, or even the past 50 or so, jump into clear focus. Then my eyes tear up! I am looking at things God put there! God knows by name! God designed! They are things so distant that people cannot even distinguish them as what they are without the aide of a scope! And, yet My God is Bigger! My God specifically designed and placed each of them! Then left them there to do their dance of His glory! Why would He do all of that when humans, up until recent history could not even see them? Obviously not for me! Why would He create such a huge universe? A universe where something, that to my naked eye, looks like a smudge or just another star, is actually another galaxy! It is bursting with just as many stars as our own! Psalm 19:1 says it so clearly! I ponder this and think my humble second thought. He is SO BIG! I am so small. And yet, He cares for me! He calls me by name! “Who is man that You are mindful of him?” I am merely a “sparrow.” When Adam and Eve chose to sin and corrupt His perfect Creation, He had already provided a way back to Himself! Wow! When I think that I cannot even breathe! My heart stops in praise to His glory!
Ro & I also spent the Independence Day Holiday in Potter County. For many years I too have found nature an especially relevant cathedral in which to worship God. Ro & I were in a tent Friday night. As you may remember rain has always had a special place in my worship in nature’s cathedral. Friday night’s storm did not disappoint! A bolt of lightning struck so close that the light & the boom were only a spit second apart & it even shook the ground beneath us. What an awesome display of God’s power so close to us & while we were safe & dry in our tent. The flash was so bright we both saw it through closed eyes. Trust my words when I say; “We were Listening”!
Thank you for that Steve. We had a friend gift us a few days in their caravan (umm, static mobile home … I forgot what caravan means in the States). It was by the seaside in a caravan park (place full of these tin beasts). But I relate to that of nature .. being by the seaside with only the gulls and the (small) waves coming in. Valuable beyond belief.
Thank you Pastor Steve for the inspiring blog. Your vacation sounds awesome. I feel like the awesome sunsets we experience in Pennsylvania are a insight to how beautiful heaven will be.
The magic of fireflies always gets my heart. How totally amazing our creator made a bug to twinkle and hover close to the earth to welcome summer year after year.
On Saturday after a brief rain storm the sun came out and God provided a beautiful rainbow 🌈 . A reminder to me of God’s promises to us that he is always present in the storms and after
Thank you Pastor Steve! Animals and nature speak so loudly to me about the creativity of our Creator and His attributes. I believe my mini lop bunnies show God’s gentleness and a lion head rabbit shows God’s sense of humor!
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