Unexpected Blessings
In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (NASB, 1 Thessalonians 5:18).
This past Sunday was priceless. We interviewed some children in front of the congregation as they moved down the aisles loaded with Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Like an over-caffeinated news reporter Pastor Bob moved around the auditorium shoving a live mic in front of unsuspecting children.

“What are you thankful for!?” He asked.
That’s risky business, you never know quite what you’ll get; but all in all, the kids did really well. It’s tough to speak when you’re under the pressure of having 600 adults looking at you!
“My family”
“My game system”
And perhaps the most memorable one, from the 2nd service: “My puppy, even though he peed on the floor this morning and we had to clean it up.”
At Thanksgiving time, it is always a great tradition to take some time to reflect and give thanks to God for the many blessings of the past year. If you are like me, most people gravitate towards listing possessions or relationship. In each of these categories, even in a lean year; I am blessed beyond measure.
There’s one other category that I’d like to challenge you with this Thanksgiving; and it can be a tough one.
What trial can you give thanks for?
Now maybe the hurt is too raw or the experience too fresh for you to consider. Or maybe it is in process and you honestly can’t see any redeeming elements, yet. That’s fine. All of us have journeyed down paths in life that we wouldn’t want to travel again, or wouldn’t have chosen for ourselves, if we had a choice. But I’ve lived long enough to discover that some of the hard places and difficult circumstances in life can turn out to be a blessing in the end. Jesus has a way of drawing us close in the storm. Adversity is sometimes productive soil for our faith to grow. The ability to look back at these times and “give thanks in everything” stretches us and opens our eyes to consider the many ways that God is at work in our lives.
Thank you, Lord, for not always knowing whether we would make payroll this year. I’ve trusted in the stability of my job way too long. YOU are the provider of my next meal.
Thank you, Lord, for the critical words of others that reveal my love of people’s approval and remind me that I live for an audience of One.
Thank you, Lord, for the three and a half year wait for our adoption. Without that wait Pam and I would not have been willing to adopt a 7-year-old child and Katie might still be in an orphanage.
I could go on, but it gets a little personal…
What unexpected blessings birthed in trials can you give thanks for? God is at work even in hardships to foster growth, provide comfort and prove to us again and again that He is all we need.
In everything give thanks…