Wasting Time
Psalm 119:37
Turn my eyes away from worthless things; and revive me in your ways. (NIV & NASB)

It seems like I have an extraordinary capacity to waste time. It doesn’t happen all the time and it might be a stretch to say that it happens often, but it does happen and with disturbing regularity. I’ll have a to-do list as long as my right arm or I’ll be exhausted at home after a long day of work and… I get stuck. Before I know it, I’ve spent an hour or more drifting around on Facebook or Google looking at nothing in particular, kind of skipping from hyperlink to hyperlink doing… nothing. Or sometimes the snare is TV and I’ll end up watching a stupid show or two stupid shows or even worse, 4 partial shows while trying to avoid commercials just because it takes less effort to operate the remote control than it does to drag my lazy carcass up to bed. Then at 11 or 12 or 1:15 AM I’ll rouse myself, drop into bed and wake up the next morning frustrated and exhausted. I know I’m not alone in this because I saw your Facebook feed when I was stalking and know that you were up late too!
I suppose there are lots of contributing factors to this- stress, anxiety, coping mechanisms, a feeling of entitlement, a desire to disconnect, a weak flesh…. My main frustration is that when I waste time in this way I’m rarely doing something that my heart really wants to do- something that gives life and will truly refresh my spirit. Why can’t I get caught up wasting time taking a walk on the Manassas battlefield or reading an inspirational book or the Bible or listening to worship music or some other activity that I love to do and know will re-create me? After all, that is what recreation is: a God designed, God mandated down-time to enjoy Him and his world, to recoup energy, care for our souls and prepare to reengage in the work he has called us to do. Remember that 1 day in 7 thing?
I know that this age-old struggle between flesh and spirit isn’t going to go away any time soon, but at the very least I can invite God into it. That’s what this psalm does (above). The psalmist prays that God will help his eyes turn away (escape or pass over) worthless things. He prays that through God’s strength he would be able to see things clearly and recognize choices in advance so as to avoid poor decisions. In the moment of temptation we need God’s help to see that we are once again headed down an empty path. The word translated “worthless things” is an interesting one, meaning false, deceitful or empty. Sound like some of the ways you waste time? They promise harmless or even pleasurable diversion but only deliver frustration or even shame. Even in our idle time our choice is between that which gives life or leads to death.
I love the last part of the verse: revive me in your ways. God has and wants to revive your spirit. Jesus’ empowering Spirit connects me to to His heart. As we cultivate truly life-giving pastimes, the old empty ways lose their power. So if you are struggling with wasting time or being drawn towards empty and worthless things- you are not alone. Invite God and others into the process. God’s ways bring joy and refreshing. What are your choices bringing?