Why are YOU here? vs. Why are WE here?
“… I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not overcome it!”
Matthew 16:18

“OK team, gather around.”
Coach Williams emerges from the locker room onto the basketball court. The other team has already huddled up and the referee stands ready, twirling his whistle. His team jogs over and quickly gathers near the bench.
“Trevor, what is that helmet you are wearing? This isn’t football, dude! And Sarah, you brought a volleyball? Really? Lance, take off the baseball cap and drop the glove. Devon, is that a stick? This isn’t lacrosse. It’s basketball people, BASKETBALL!”
Apparently Coach Williams’ “Come to the Game” email was badly misinterpreted. His players are confused as to what their purpose is and chances are his team won’t do very well in the upcoming athletic contest.
The same can be true in a local church. People come to GLCC for many varied reasons. We hear many of them in our bi-monthly Discover GLCC gatherings. Some are looking for personal connection. Some want solid Christian education for their children. (While others are looking for a youth group to strengthen and support their teenagers.) Some want a particular style of preaching or worship experience. Some are looking to start or start over in their relationship with God. Some want to invest in serving or to be equipped to live the Christian life. Many of these are great reasons to participate in family life at a church. Why are YOU here at GLCC?
But if everyone focuses exclusively on the personal reason that drew them to the church, it’s much like the confused athletes above- everyone comes to the game suited up for their own individual sport and the results will be disappointing to everyone, to say the least. Further, church becomes all about me, my needs, my personal fulfillment. So while “Why are you here?” is a great question to ask, there is a larger and even more important question that we need to consider, and that is this: “Why are WE here?” Why does this local church exist? What are we trying to accomplish together? Why has God put a group of Christ-followers on Linton Hall Road in Bristow who call themselves Grace Life Community Church and placed you in this body?
That is what GLCC Vision 2020 is all about. Answering the question, “why are WE here?” (together, in community).” And the answer to that is not really about us at all, it’s about God, His greater Glory and Kingdom purposes. We exist for Him. And in 2015 we want to get strategic and intentional about leveraging the corporate power of the 616 adults & teens and 98 children (last week’s numbers, approximate) to impact our world with the message that Christ is LIFE. It’s about God and about the mission.
So let’s change the question a bit. “Why are you here?” is a good starting question, but it is small and ultimately self-focused. “Why are WE here?” centers on God’s program for His church. Make no mistake, there is a much bigger story going on here. God has placed you at GLCC for a reason much larger than you think!