Wish or Intention

Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ ~ Matthew 5:37
I’ve been doing some thinking this week about the difference between a “wish” and an “intention.” We use the term, “wish” a lot. “I wish I had a million bucks; I wish I could lose weight; I wish I had an iPhone XS Max; I wish it were warmer outside…” We wish for lots of things. A wish is kind of a vague hope or a nice thought. It’s something we desire, but it is probably not possible. A wish is out of our control, it’s in the realm of the fanciful, which is why we make a wish when we blow out birthday candles and when we see a shooting star.
Now, intention is a much stronger word. It denotes purpose, planning, a goal, a direction. When a young man says, “I intend to marry that girl”; you’d better believe there will be some effort, strategy and cost involved in the project. The word intention brings a wish into the realm of possibility. It claims ownership, responsibility and even accountability. If I say to Pam, “I intend to be home by 5:00 p.m. this Thursday for the celebration of Justin’s sixteenth birthday”, it had better be more than a wish. And if I do show up at 7:00 p.m. after the special dinner has been eaten, the cake sliced, and the presents opened, you can believe I will be held accountable… and I should. Jesus said, “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ (Matthew 5:37)
Now consider the following. Which is a more accurate representation of your heart?
“I wish I would grow spiritually.” or “By God’s grace I intend to grow spiritually.”
“I wish I could share the gospel with my co-worker.” or “When God opens the door I intend to share the gospel with my co-worker.”
I wish I knew more about the Bible.” or “I intend to go to a Bible study.”
“I wish I could get a handle on *insert sin pattern here* or by God’s grace and through his strength, I intend to get a handle on *insert sin pattern here*
Big difference, huh?
So, here’s the deal. God’s desire for you remains the same. The Bible says, “The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations (Psalm 33:11).” He wants you to know Him, glorify Him, experience victory, produce the fruit of the Spirit and participate in His mission here on planet Earth. The real question is, is this just a wish or is it your intention? Everyone wishes they were more like Jesus… but few people actually join Him in purposeful discipleship. Let’s be people of intention!