

Ascribe to the LORD, all you families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. Psalm 96:7-8

Ok. I’ve been accused of using difficult and obscure language from time to time, I admit it. For example, a couple of months ago I used the word “salvific” in a message on Sunday morning and afterwards Paul Green came up to me laughing. “What was that word you used? “sow-what!? You lost me there, friend…” Pam mentioned it to me too and so did Carol, my executive assistant. “Is that a word?” they asked. “Of course it is, I said defensively, but after it failed the Microsoft Office spell check test, I too began to have my doubts.

I have since confirmed that salvific is indeed a word (thank you very much!). You can find it on page 1039 of Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and it means “having the intent or power to save or redeem.” However, I won’t be using it in any teaching lessons any time soon.

So I was a bit stumped myself when it came to the word “ascribe” in my lectionary reading this morning. Ascribe? Why even I don’t use that one too often! I have a general sense of its meaning, but had to look it up to be sure. It means to credit, attribute or lay to the account of a person.

I like that. “Credit or give to the LORD the glory and strength due his name.” How can we do that?

It’s not like we can in some way add to God’s glory or strength; like his bank account of glory and strength is in danger of being overdrawn so we have to make an emergency deposit to help him out. God IS majestic and all powerful so all glory and strength already belong to Him. The account is already full to overflowing. So how do we ascribe to God something that is already His?

Often we hear the saying, “Give credit to whom credit is due.” I think that’s the idea. As Christians we have a unique opportunity to acknowledge or give credit to God with our lives. By our words, thoughts, and actions we reveal or display God’s glory to others. As we point to God others take notice and the glory of God is made known. Sometimes our words ascribe glory to him but our actions say otherwise. Sometimes our actions glorify God but we are fearful or intimidated to speak a word in his name. Sometimes we produce the right words and actions, but we do so in the flesh and our thoughts and motives are far from God.

So when something good happens, credit it to God. Let others know he is the source of all good things in you life. When you are awed by a beautiful sunset or sunrise thank Him with a full heart. At every opportunity and in every circumstance point to him in word and actions. Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength!

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