Don’t forget Good Friday
I’m looking forward to Easter Sunday. It’s my favorite Sunday of the year. I love the joy of celebrating the resurrection, new life and Jesus’ victory over death. But let’s not forget Good Friday. Today’s the day when redemption of purchased, sin was atoned, and our forgiveness was won. But at what cost?
Jesus our Savior, Creator of heaven and earth, innocent and and sinless was brutally slain- beaten, mocked, and nailed to a cross in public humiliation. Like countless sacrificial lambs offered over millennia, a substitute was required- the innocent for the guilty, the perfect for the sinner. The sin of the whole world was laid on him. He bore it in his body. And through his stripes we are healed.
A crowd gathers. Jesus is mocked, taunted, and reviled. “Come down from the cross and we will believe you; you saved others, now save yourself!” His garments are gambled over, His followers view from afar.
The Father could not watch. He turns his face away and for the only time in all of eternity, there was a rupture of relationship between Father and Son. Jesus cries out in an agony that goes beyond the physical because sin always creates separation, pain, and loss. The world goes dark, the sun is blotted out as the Spotless One suffers for us.
Hours go by. The time is now short. Jesus speaks… he forgives his torturers, offers mercy to a thief, makes provision for his dear mother, and at his request is offered sour wine to drink.
Finally, all is fulfilled, the debt is paid, the mission is accomplished. Jesus bow his head and releases his spirit.
A violent earthquake erupts, the temple veil is torn, the darkness lifts. And a soldier proclaims, “Surely this was the Son of God.”
The Sabbath is nearing and Jesus is taken down. Joseph claims the body, wraps it in linen and places it in a borrowed tomb. The disciples are despondent. The stone is sealed and a guard is set. All is quiet, barren, desolate… but Sunday’s coming.