Finding God in Plain Sight

Finding God in Plain Sight

I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

“Hey, do you know where the broom is?”  I was on the phone with Pam, and if my terse words didn’t communicate that I was irritated, then my tone of voice certainly did.

It was Saturday afternoon and Pam had been out all day at her sister’s house in Bucks County.  I was having Andy Fisher over for dinner and he was due any minute.  His wife Linda was down at a Bible conference at Sandy Cove, so it was a great excuse to get together, hang out and enjoy a meal.

Everything was coming together nicely.  The steaks were marinating, the charcoal was hot, the salad was made and the mashed potatoes, loaded with sour cream, butter and garlic salt were deliciously steaming on the stove.  We had cider and iced tea to drink, and our Amish neighbor had dropped off a pumpkin pie that afternoon.  It was the perfect man-meal.  Steak, potatoes, and salad (because it’s always nice to have a little something green on your plate).

But I’m a messy cook and had created quite a debris field, plus we have a dog that sheds, so the floor really needed some attention.  Where was that stupid broom?

Pam read the tone of my voice and answered cautiously. “Well, did you check in the utility room?”

Now, the utility room, just off the kitchen, is where we store our cleaning supplies and have our washer and dryer. It’s where we keep the broom. It’s a little too small for its function so it’s a bit crowded.

“If it was in the utility room, do you think I’d be calling?” I replied, snarkily.

I was frustrated, having already checked the utility room at least three times, as well as the kitchen, living room, garage, and porch. Pam made a few more suggestions, but it was clear she had no idea where the broom was, so I quickly terminated the conversation.  It was not my finest hour.

There’s a backstory to all of this.  And that is, that I’m not a very good “looker.” Whether it’s looking for the peanut butter jar, a set of keys, or a missing book, I frequently miss things that are sitting  in plain sight… and I hate that. It’s become sort of a family joke; well deserved, I must confess.  So, when someone suggests I look in obvious places, it triggers me.

“OK, fine.” I thought. “Just let the floors be upswept.  Andy’s a guy. He won’t care. Probably won’t even notice.”  But just for safety, I walked into the utility room one last time… and there, tucked back in the corner, beside the washing machine was the broom.  Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!

When Pam got home, I gave her a hug and said, “Sorry about being stupid earlier.”  She graciously accepted my apology.

The next day, in casual conversation, she asked.  “So, where was the broom?”

“I prefer not to answer that question.” I replied. She smiled.


But I’m not alone in my inability to see obvious things.  It’s a spiritual problem too, and we all have it.  Think about it. As believers, God is with us every day and in every way.  He is near (Psalm 145:18). He is close (Psalm 34:18).  He is clearly seen (Romans 1:20). He is an ever-present help (Psalm 46:1).  He is attentive (Psalm 34:15). He’s above us (Psalm 97:9), below us (Deuteronomy 33:27), behind and in front (Isaiah 30:21). He’s around us (Psalm 125:2) and within (Galatians 2:20).  How do we keep missing him? Why does he sometimes feel so far away?

I lift up my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1

Part of the problem is we’ve got to lift up our eyes!

In this world, it’s easy to get distracted, overwhelmed and sidetracked.  The busyness of life and the clutter of the 24-hour news cycle pulls us in a hundred different directions and away from our true source of Life. Sometimes we look in all the wrong places for value and significance.  God is not hidden, but we’re running around, hurried, focused on the latest crisis, task, or social media post.   And amidst all of the chaos and commotion, like a broom sitting in plain sight, we miss him.

Today, lift up your eyes. Change your focus to see Him. Create space to connect with Him.  Remove distractions to find Him. Read his word to learn of Him.  Go to the woods to walk with Him. Bow your knee in prayer to talk to Him. He’s here.  So if we aren’t finding him, chances are we’re looking in the wrong direction.

One thought on “Finding God in Plain Sight

  1. Aarg! I do the same thing all the time! Must be a male thing. Thanks for the great spiritual parallel.

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