God’s Exercise Program

God’s Exercise Program

Quote of the week: “Woah, I am really out of shape!”

Recently both Justin and Katelyn got summer jobs at Shady Maple farm market.  Justin’s been working in the meat department and Katelyn’s at the Snack Shack near the main entrance.  I’m proud of the kids, they are hard workers. It’s been a great experience for them and their first job in Lancaster County.  And the 5% discount on groceries and the inside scoop on all of the specials has been good for our budget.  We are now officially part of the Shady Maple family.

Most of the time their work schedule corresponds with the normal “comings and goings” of family life and we take them over. But sometimes they pull a weird shift in which neither Pam nor I are available to drop them off.  So, when that happens, they’ve been biking over to work.  As a result, their bicycles are now tuned up and parked in one bay of our garage, standing ready, as opposed to hanging upside down from the ceiling on their normal bike hooks.

The other day, I got out of my car after a day at the church and eyed Justin’s bicycle.  I thought to myself, “That looks like fun. Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on a bike. I wonder if I can still do this?” I used to love to ride bike. So, I hopped on and pedaled away down the street and it went just fine, at first. I was pleased to note that the old adage, “It’s just like riding a bike” is true. Some skills, once learned are not forgotten… at least when it comes to actually riding a bicycle!”

But as I turned up the hill, things began to change.  Our house is right off of Sheep Hill Road in Witmer Estates and the entire development is built on a fairly substantial hill.  And once I began peddling up the hill, fatigue quickly set in.  I could “feel the burn” as my legs turned to spaghetti and rebelled against this unaccustomed activity. This is hard work! I’m not used to it and I gained a new respect for the dozens of Mennonites that I pass on the road each day. They make bicycling look so effortless.

Hebrews 12:11 says,

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

And 1 Timothy 4:7-8 instructs us to

“train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

I’m over 50 and if I want to truly enjoy bicycling, or kayaking, or basketball, or any other recreational activity… It’s going to involve some training, and as the scripture says (above), that’s not pleasant. But if I stick with it and work through it, the end result will be good.

Did you know the same is true spiritually?  As believers, we are all disciples and God has us in a rigorous training program whether we know it or not. Every day our heavenly Father is committed to making us more like Jesus and producing practical holiness, righteousness and the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.  But this “training” isn’t always pleasant and involves pain, struggle, and effort. I think many Christians either don’t know or have forgotten that every day is a new exercise in God’s divine training program and then are surprised or disappointed when they experience pain and hardship.

So, we have two choices.  We can cooperate with the training and experience the maximum benefit from the “program.”  If we do, the results will be good and we will develop spiritual muscles that grow our faith, build our character and increase our joy.  Or we can resist God’s refining process and miss the opportunity to grow in grace and experience the intimacy that comes from walking with God through the challenges of life. The choice is ours. What will you choose?

Here’s a prayer for the week.  Lord, today I choose to submit to your training program, even if it’s difficult. I agree with who you are, what you are doing, and how you are doing it. Give me patience. Give me endurance, and make me more like you.  Amen.

4 thoughts on “God’s Exercise Program

  1. Thanks for your devotion. I work at SM Farm Markets accounting department. I will have to go down and introduce myself to your kids. Although, I’ve never met them…. so, I have no idea what they look like 😆

  2. Just what I’ve had to do these past three years…rooted in Him as He enfolds each “training experience.”

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