Got Jesus?

Got Jesus?

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.  Acts 4:13 

It always amazes me to consider the kinds of people Jesus chose to be the apostles of the early church. With the exception of Paul, they were mostly fishermen- blue collar, never graduated from high school, stubborn, hard living, low wage laborers- quite literally the salt of the earth. Not a graduate of an Ivy League school or Rhodes scholar in the lot. They certainly weren’t the type of people I’d choose to lead a movement that would turn the world upside down. 

Early in Jesus’ ministry they spent more energy arguing with one another about who was the greatest and jockeying for seats in the kingdom than they did actually helping anyone. And yet, something happened. These petty, weak, demoralized men who cowered behind locked doors immediately after the crucifixion were radically transformed into dynamic, determined preachers a mere 40 days later. 

What was it that transformed these men? 

Our text today provides a great clue, “… they[their enemies] took note that these men had been with Jesus.” 

Having encountered the resurrected Christ, these men were transformed. All that Jesus said had been true- He was the way, the truth, and the life. Finally, they were convinced beyond all doubt. They knew that they possessed truth. Not a truth to make their lives more comfortable, to make them healthier or wealthier, but the truth that has the power to free the captives and change eternal destinies. 

Have you had that kind of encounter with Jesus Christ? Knowing and truly believing the truth transforms wimps into warriors, cowards into courageous. That kind of conviction inspires boldness even in the face of opposition. Whatever your limitations, whatever your “personality type”… you can let God’s truth rise up within you and be bold for Christ. 

We are constantly confronted with situations that demand courage. When we place limitations on God based on our own evaluation of our capabilities and giftings we subtly transfer dependence from God to ourselves. 

What if God wants to do something extraordinary through you this week? 

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