Red Light, Green Light

Red Light, Green Light

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:2

November is National Adoption Month, and coincidentally, it’s also the month of our daughter Katelyn’s birthday. So this time of year, Steve and I often reflect on the amazing journey that brought Katelyn to our home. Back in 2005, God used a traumatic experience ministering in a Jamaican orphanage to break our hearts for the needs of the orphans. The adoption process was long and challenging, but we were and are continually blown away by God’s faithful provision and grace every step of the way.

When Katelyn became our daughter in 2010, she was 7. We spent two weeks together in China getting our paperwork in order, doing some sightseeing, and preparing her to return home with us to Virginia. When Katelyn came to us, she only knew 5 words of English…hello, goodbye, thank you, yes, and no. She was from Shanghai, which has a population of 24 million; three times the population of New York City. To say that it was crowded is a massive understatement; more like busy, teeming, chaotic, frenzied, and congested! We walked most places on jam-packed sidewalks; and crossing streets was very intimidating. I now know what the term, “a sea of humanity” means.

Having a new child with us, I was concerned that she might bolt away from us, and I’d have no way to warn her to stop. So on our first day in the park, I made up a game we called “Stop & Go,” much like the “Red light, green light” game we played in elementary school. Steve & I stood on each side of her holding her hands and one of us called, “Go!” and then all three of us would run until one yelled, “Stop!” Then, we’d stop and grin at each other. After a few times of running with the 3 of us, we then tried it with just one of us holding her hand and the other one calling the “stop” and “go” commands until we were all a little breathless. Eventually, we had her try it by herself where she ran towards us as we yelled “go” & “stop.” It was tons of fun, but at the same time had a purpose. We did this game so that she’d learn to hear our voices and know when to stop, even if she didn’t know why she had to stop.

Never once did people accuse us of being mean, restricting her freedom, or crushing her spirit. Every adult knew that for her own safety, she had to know when to stop and when it was safe to go.

While that seems to be common sense, sometimes people, and even professing Christians, look at God’s Word as annoying and restrictive. Like little children, enamored and dazzled by the bright lights and bustle of the city, we are tempted to wander off to experience freedom, and to do & say whatever we want. But, our Heavenly Father knows that many of the things that look exciting are actually dangerous. What looks like freedom, leads to bondage and brokenness. So in love, Jesus says, “STOP!” not to restrict us in a dictatorial way, but to lovingly protect us and keep us safe. He doesn’t want to see us get eaten up by the things of this world or experience the consequences and bitterness of foolish choices.

So, the next time you read the Bible or you hear Jesus say “Stop!”, rest assured that God has your best interests in mind and wants to protect you. Trust Him, that He has a better plan and knows what will bring you true joy and freedom. Keep holding His hand and walk forward by faith. He knows what is best.

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