The Air-Sick Bag

The Air-Sick Bag

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:8-9 

Many of you have asked, “What is it like to communicate with a 7 year old child who grew up in another culture & speaks another language?” Have you ever played the game “Charades”? We’re getting pretty good at it! Actually we did use a lot of sign language, hand gestures & simple sentences when we first had Katelyn. Now 3 months later, she is understanding so much more and beginning to speak in 2 word sentences that she connects together (“Katelyn dressed, Amanda shower, Baba [Chinese for ‘Daddy’] sleeping?”). She has also begun to (sometimes forcefully) express her opinions. ie:”I like that!” or “Wait for me!” or “That’s my ball!” “Nooooooooooo!” 

What we have found particularly difficult is explaining to Katelyn situations that she just doesn’t have the background or capacity to understand (such as why Joshua is allowed to use the lawn mower and she isn’t). 

A great example of this happened early on in our adoption while we were still in China. We had only had her for a few days when we needed to fly from Shanghai to Guangzhou to complete the next round of adoption paperwork. Since she had nothing of her own at the orphanage, she was a bit of a kleptomaniac-often wanted to save every tag, receipt, paper etc… that we came across while in China. We gave her a zip lock bag to hold a few of her “treasures”, but sometimes had to insist that certain things were trash and must be thrown out. 

While on the airplane, she looked through the information in the seat pocket in front of her. She wanted to take home the brochure that explained the emergency procedures. No, we tried to gesture, that had to stay with the airplane. 

Then she wanted the air sick bag. 

“No, that’s not what you think it is.” She continued to insist. 

“No, you can’t put that in your backpack.” She pouted & tried again. 

“No, I’m sorry sweetie, you can’t have it.” 

We landed and the item was finally forgotten. 

Five days later we flew from Guangzhou to Beijing to begin the long trip home. Again she spotted the air sick bag and wanted it. And again we said no. However, on the landing, she actually WAS air sick and got to see what the bag was used for! When we got on the next flight a few hours later to fly from Beijing to Chicago, she pointed at the bag, smiled sheepishly, and knowingly nodded her head as if to say, “So THAT is why you woudn’t let me put it in my backpack!” 

I was thinking about how often we do that with God. We beg & plead for something that we are so sure we need. “No,” He gently says, “it’s not what you think it is.” 

“But God, if only you would give it to me, then I could….” He responds, “No, I’m sorry, you can’t have it.” 

“Yes, but other people have it, and I should too.” No, this isn’t my best for YOU. 

God in His infinite wisdom knows that there are situations that we just don’t have the experience or capacity to understand. Rather than struggle with Him, surrender and remember, He loves you and wants what’s best for you. When we stop struggling with what we don’t know or understand, we can rest in what we DO know. We have a loving Father who chose us specifically, crossed into another world to meet us personally, and sacrificed greatly to adopt us into His family. 

He loves us, Oh, how He loves us…. 

So this week if discontent and dissatisfaction set in, settle into God’s love, care and adoption of you. And stop focusing on the airsick bag! 

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