The Widow’s Mite

The Widow’s Mite

On Sunday we had the joy of worshiping at Pakwach Full Gospel Church and the privilege of witnessing the real-life version of a widow’s mite.  Located on a dirt path just off the main road, the church was in the middle of a community of round thatched roofs over square mud homes.  As we entered the cement building with an uneven cement floor, @70 women & children’s voices filled the air with beautiful African harmonies.  The room pulsated with energy & bright colors as they worshiped with abandon in a way that seems so foreign to those of us raised in conservative churches in the US.

As they clapped and stepped and raised their arms to heaven, I thought of King David who danced with all his might before the Lord in 2 Samuel 6.   David rejoiced that the Ark of the Covenant and God’s presence had returned to Israel.  In Uganda, these believers rejoiced that their sins had been forgiven, that God’s presence was with them every day and the enemy was defeated in Jesus’ name.  When all the nations and tribes and tongues are gathered before the throne of the Lamb in Revelation 19 & 21, first every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and then I think we will celebrate with all our might!  What a day of rejoicing that will be!  And how wonderful that we get to practice that NOW here on earth.

As the men beat the drums and the ladies shook wooden rattles, blew their whistles (yes whistles!), and sang at full volume, an older lady hobbled through the celebrating crowd up toward our team at the front.  She was stooped far over and leaned hard on a cane.  Singing and stepping her way to us, she reached out to shake my hand and slipped a coin into my palm.  Next, she greeted Steve, Wendell, and Pastor George in the same way, and then slowly made her way back to the women’s center circle of celebration.

In Mark 12:41-44 Jesus & his disciples watched many rich people throw large amounts of money into the temple treasury so all could see and hear their coins clink into the collection container.  Then along came a poor widow woman who only had a few small coins.  Jesus said her offering was more valuable that all the rest because she gave all she had to God.  The coin that the old woman slipped into our hand was a 500 Ugandan shilling, worth about 15 cents. But in God’s eyes it was PRICELESS.  Each time I look at this coin, I will treasure this woman’s worship for the Lord and her kindness to us.

The pastor shared with me the next day that Luliana was in her mid to late 80’s and came to know Christ as her Savior @25 years ago.  She’s known in the church to give coins to visitors even though she herself has so little.  She now has 4 generations attending church with her.  THAT’S the power of the gospel!

During the offering time, people brought their coins up to the bowls at the front of the church.  One lady placed a new, handmade stick broom (used for sweeping the dirt in front of their houses each day) on the table and another brought a basket of produce.  Each person gave what they could.

Repeatedly, I am humbled here in Uganda.  Those who have been forgiven much, love much (Luke 7:44-47). Those who have little by the world’s standards give generously.  All the pastors we’ve met are church planters who begin their ministry with no resources other than a Bible and a bicycle and depend on God to supply their needs, similar to the way Jesus sent his disciples out 2 by 2 and told them not to take anything for the journey.

On Monday we began our 2nd marriage conference with 20 couples at a small church in Pakwach.  Pastor Raphael shared that there was an oppressive woman witch doctor with 2 snakes who harassed the people of the village before the church was started.  Through much prayer in the powerful name of Jesus she finally left, and people began getting saved and attending church.  Now they are hosting a marriage conference.  To God be the glory!!

Our interpreters have been SO gifted from the Lord and wonderful to work with!  In Nebbi we had Benson & Judith and here we have Winfred & Jacline.  Please pray for their voices to stay strong, for them to understand the concepts we are sharing in English, and for them to clearly communicate those thoughts to the people.  Last week it was a little strange at first to speak through interpreters, but we learned the rhythm of saying a phrase or short sentence and then pausing, and now it seems natural.

It’s funny what other things now seem normal…

Goats, dogs, chickens & ducks wandering past

Lizards & geckos on the walls in the church and hotel room.

Dirt roads, dirt yards, dirt floors (it’s red clay dirt)

Brushing our teeth using a water bottle

Washing clothes by hand each day and hanging them to dry on the clothesline in our room.

Electricity going off & on (it isn’t a matter of “if” it’s “when” and “how long”)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your prayers.  Wendell & Steve & I feel them and need them to endure the heat (upper 90’s each day), for protection spiritually & physically, and for clear communication. God is doing a mighty work, both in our own lives and in the lives of these brothers & sisters in Christ and partners in ministry and He alone gets the glory.

10 thoughts on “The Widow’s Mite

  1. It’s great to hear what you’re experiencing, learning, and contributing! Praying you home.

  2. We just returned from Israel. I wanted to bring my children a widows mite. To purchase one was very expensive so i did not get any. What a special gift to offer

  3. Praying for you and rejoicing that God has more power than Satan! Love hearing about your humbling experiences.

  4. Love reading, hearing and seeing some of your mission. As Carole stated, it’s a privilege to pray for you each day of your journey. Thank you for sharing with us as you can with limited power and internet.

  5. I read and then pray, read a little more then pray some more. Your emails
    gives me the knowledge of your needs so I/we all can be specific when we speak to the Lord.
    Thank you Pam ans Steve!!

  6. Thank you for sending these updates, we love reading them and being on this journey with you in spirit. We are praying confidently and trusting the Lord to meet every need!

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